Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher

Book: Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven K. Asher
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questions loud enough for whoever was on the other side.
    “It’s just me, Pops.” Pops answers from the other side.
    Relieved that it was just him I relax from my tense position and let out the breath I had been holding.
    Damon opens the door allowing him in.
    I sit down on the bed as Damon shuts the door and moves to lean against the table in the corner of the room.
    “You two are going to have to stay here a few days.” Pops begins. “This whole town is crawling with Redwood wolves.”
    He then turns to me. “They are looking for you, Parker, but I’m sure you already knew that. What I need to know is why they are hunting all over for you. The only way I can protect you is if I know exactly what has happened.”
    Standing to my feet I sigh out loudly. “This all started with my father brining in young alphas from the high packs around the area. The Redwood pack, the Blackwood pack, and the Shadow pack. I was supposed to pick one of them to be my mate.”
    I pause as Damon scoffs.
    “When I finally did choose who I wanted to be with things went south fast. I believe the Redwood pack had some sort of control over my father. He forced me into a mating with the young Redwood alpha.” I continue.
    “Couldn’t you have just said no?” Damon interrupts.
    “She can’t, not when she is ordered by her alpha which in this case was her father.” Pops answers for me.
    “I did say no, I tried everything in my power to get out of it but in the end London, the alpha I was to be mated with, took things into his own hands. He controlled me, took away any ability I had to run away or even think for myself.” I explain as I sit down on the edge of the bed once more.
    “How could he have controlled you like that?” Damon chimes in again.
    “Our claws are for more than just scratching.” I answer as I hold my hand up and allow my claws to come forward.
    Pointing towards the tips I explain the alphas secret. “Do you see the clear liquid coming from them?”
    Both Damon and Pops move in closer.
    They nod so I continue. “It acts as a sort of venom, some alphas use it to control their packs or to use against enemies but it’s never supposed to be used to manipulate a mate.”
    “London is after me because he wants the power my family holds, the only way to get that power is through me, especially considering I am a pure Onyx wolf, one of the last females actually.”
    Maybe even the last one alive now considering my father may not have won their battle.
    “What is this alpha willing to do in order to get to you?” Pops inquires curiously.
    I shrug. “I doubt there is anything he wouldn’t do.”
    He nods at my answer. “Do you think he would come up against the Hunters?”
    I shake my head. “Honestly, I don’t know. He was at my brothers last night but I doubt he would expect me to be hidden by one.”
    “Well, let’s hope he decides not to come around here looking for you.” Pops sighs. “I’m going to be gathering other Hunters here until things die down though so I need you to stay hidden no matter what. Some Hunters aren’t as kind to wolves as we are.”
    I nod in understanding.
    Pops then turns his attentions to Damon. “I’m going to move you two to a larger room but I don’t want you leaving her side either. She is in danger and we must protect her from those people that want to harm her.”
    Damon nods but I could tell he wanted to disagree.
    I could see it in his eyes how much he hated even being near me let alone being locked in a room with me.
    This was going to be a fun few days, I could see it now.
    One of us was going to at least try to kill the other.
    Pops moves towards the door to leave but I stop him. “Did my brother, Alex, make it?”
    With sad eyes he bows his head. “I’m sorry, Parker. They left nothing behind at your brother’s house. We can only hope that they didn’t kill anyone.”
    With that bit of sad news he leaves Damon and I alone.
    “Well, this just sucks.” Damon

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