Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1)

Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher Page A

Book: Bound (The Onyx Wolves Book 1) by Raven K. Asher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raven K. Asher
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mutters as he tosses a plastic cup against the wall. “My best friend and leader are gone, all because you had to show up.”
    “You should have just stayed behind with them then.” I growl.
    “You shouldn’t have asked for help from a human.” He argues.
    “All I have are human friends and I trust them more than any wolf.” I reply crossing my arms over my chest.
    His jaw falls slightly. “You have human friends?”
    I nod. “I have two best friends actually, Harley and Ariel. I even had a human boyfriend for awhile.”
    His eyes widen in shock at this new bit of information from me.
    “Why?” He questions curiously.
    “I never wanted to be a wolf, it’s not like I had a choice in this.” I motion towards myself. “All I ever wanted to do was fit in and have a normal life like everyone else.” I answer honestly.
    “You’re a strange little wolf, aren’t you?” He teases lightly.
    “You don’t know the half of it.” I laugh out. “So, how about you, I know you weren’t born a Hunter.”
    He runs his hand through his hair as he turns his back to me. “A wolf, like you, killed my entire family in front of me. I watched it tear my sister’s throat out as she screamed for mercy.”
    Turning to face me I sense the sadness he held deep inside, and the hatred he held for all wolves whether they were good or not.
    He hated us all and I couldn’t say I blamed him.
    I would hate whoever would have killed my family like that.
    “At first I became a Hunter to get revenge, but now I want to keep what happened to my family from happening to anyone else’s.” He ends fiercely.
    “Did you ever get your revenge?” I ask curiously.
    He shakes his head. “No, I had the chance to once but I just couldn’t take his life.”
    I completely understood that.
    “What was his name, do you know?” I inquire next.
    “It was Brock. It’s a name I will never forget for as long as I live.” He answers with underlying anger.
    “Well, then you don’t have to worry about ever facing him again.” I sigh. “The wolf after me now killed him.”
    His eyes widen for a fraction of a moment with what looked like glee. “He did?”
    I nod and grin. “Yeah, he did.”
    Damon turns his back to me. “Good.”
    A comfortable silence closes in on us as we both stare off at nothing in particular until a loud knock makes my heart literally skip a beat.
    I hadn’t heard anyone approach, which was odd for me.
    Rising to my feet I place my hand on Damon’s arm stopping him from moving towards the door.
    With my nose to the air I take in a deep breath quickly cursing as I smell a familiar smell, a wolf.
    “Get behind me.” I command Damon.
    He does quickly as I move towards the door and swing it open wide.
    Dillon stumbles and falls inside covered in blood from head to toe.
    “What the hell happened to you?” I ask as I kneel down beside him.
    His eyes peer up to mine. “I renounced. He nearly killed me but I got away.” He chokes as blood begins pouring from his mouth.
    “How did you even find me?” I ask next.
    He coughs. “I didn’t think I’d actually find you. I was looking for a Hunter to kill me.” He answers honestly.
    “If it’s death you want, then its death you will have, wolf.” Damon snarls coming around me.
    Again, I stop him with my hand and a growl. “No, he can be useful to us.”
    “How can he be useful to us, he’s nearly dead.” Damon argues.
    “You forget that I am an alpha, Hunter, and that I have more secrets than you’ll ever know.” I reply.
    Taking Dillon’s face in my hands I search his eyes. “Will you help me if I heal you?”
    He nods as more blood trickles from his mouth.
    I wipe his brow before the blood there can flow into his eyes as I continue to search them. “Will you become my second if I allow you to live? Will you obey me as an alpha?”
    He nods again as the light begins leaving his eyes.
    His time was running out rapidly, I had to make my choice now.
    Closing my

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