Bound by Their Kisses

Bound by Their Kisses by Marla Monroe

Book: Bound by Their Kisses by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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started to pick up the glasses, but Tag stopped her.
    “I cooked, so Zander is going to clean up while you and I talk in the living room,” he said.
    “Talk about what?” she asked, suspicious of anything having to do with Tag talking.
    He chuckled. “You have the funniest expression on your face. Do you think I’m going to attack you or something?”
    “No, but you and talking aren’t exactly buddies,” she said.
    He just shook his head and grabbed her hand to lead her out of the kitchen. As soon as they entered the other room, Tag pulled her over to the couch and situated her on his lap. She felt comfortable in his arms, his chest and shoulders strong but not too hard to snuggle against.
    “What did you want to talk about?” she asked, looking up at his face.
    “Us.” The half smile she had gotten used to graced his face for a few brief seconds and then was gone, replaced by a slight frown.
    “What?” she asked.
    “Are you uncomfortable around me, Tessa? You know I’d never hurt you, don’t you?”
    If he’d said anything else she couldn’t have been more shocked. Had she somehow given him an indication that she was afraid of him? She didn’t think so, but men thought differently than women. Of course, she tended to gravitate more toward Zander because he did talk more and showed affection so much easier than Tag did. Had she hurt his feelings somehow?
    “No, Tag. You don’t make me uncomfortable. Why do you think that?” she asked, almost afraid of the answer.
    He shrugged. “Most people are a little wary of me. They are of Zander at first, but after a little while they get over it with him. Not so much with me.”
    “It’s because he smiles a lot and talks more. You don’t, but that’s okay, Tag. You are you. I like you just the way you are,” she admitted. “If you suddenly started talking all the time I’d worry that something was wrong with you.”
    He just nodded, settling his head on top of hers for a few seconds. Then he pulled back and looked down at her. She could see another question in his eyes. The fact that he hesitated to ask her had her heart stuttering a few beats. Tag wasn’t afraid of anything, but he acted a little worried about asking whatever was on his mind.
    “What?” she finally asked, putting the ball in his court.
    “We want to be a family, Tessa. I want kids some day. Would you have children with us? Would it matter who the father was?” he asked, looking toward the window and avoiding her eyes.
    Tessa sensed that this was important to him. She reached up and grabbed his face in both of her hands. Pulling it down so that she could look directly into his eyes, she smiled at him, making sure he could see her sincerity.
    “If this works between the three of us, then yes, I want children some day. Not right away, mind you. We need to work things out between us, but one day when the time is right. As far as who is the father of our children, as long as it’s one of you guys, and you treat any children we have as if they are yours, I’m happy.” She could see the relief cross his face before he covered it with a smirk. This look on Tag was what she was used to seeing.
    “Damn right you’re only having our kids. No one else will ever touch you again, baby girl. We may share between us, but we don’t share with anyone else.” He hugged her tightly against his body to the point she nearly protested, but he finally relaxed.
    “That’s good to know,” she said with a laugh.
    “Now,” he said with a huff. “About moving in with us. You’re doing it and that’s final.”
    “Tag. Don’t piss me off. I was just getting over being mad at you two from breakfast.”
    “About what?” Zander asked as he walked into the room, wiping his hands on his jeans.
    She blew out a breath and tried to stand up, but Tag had a firm hold on her waist with his big hands.
    “I swear. If the two of you think you’re going to team up on me, then you’ve got another thing

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