Both Sides Of The Fence 3: Loose Ends

Both Sides Of The Fence 3: Loose Ends by M.T. Pope

Book: Both Sides Of The Fence 3: Loose Ends by M.T. Pope Read Free Book Online
Authors: M.T. Pope
    “This is the shit right here.” I turned up my satellite radio player as my anthem played. “Spotlight” by Jennifer Hudson was still a classic even after all these years. She was my favorite singer to say the least.
    I looked at my jump off next to me and smiled.
    “You having fun, babe?”
    “Yeah.” She looked like she was scared to death. I would be too if I was in the position she was in. Ebony was a thirty-five-year old deaconess at her parents’ church, but she had a wild side. And we know how preacher’s kids can be. Off the fucking chain. But, I was far more advanced than her even though she had me by some years. I met her when I started going to her church, Blessed by God Ministries, about six months after I moved here to Cali. She was in the choir and so was I. I was a lead singer for many of the songs and she would stare at me in amazement whenever I did so. I loved to sing and I hoped that one day it would be a career for me, but that was another subject for another time.
    One day after a rehearsal Ebony came up to me and asked me if she could have my number so we could work on her voice and a couple of songs she was having problems with. I said okay. I thought it was innocent until she forced herself on me. I was a little shocked to say the least. We ended up getting it on in my bedroom that night and she had to sneak out in the middle of the night to go home. She had a husband and she said she was just experimenting with her sexuality. From then on, she has been my orgasm queen. I told her that her secret was safe with me.
    I pulled into one of my favorite restaurants, Benson’s Bistro and put the top onto my car up. I stepped out of the car in an all-black cat suit underneath my dress. One would say it was too hot for all of that, but I was working it anyway, with some four-inch pumps to match. Ebony had on some cute tan capris, a frilly shirt with tan open toes wedge clogs. We walked into the restaurant with her leading. She knew I was in charge though.
    “Can we have a table for two in the corner?” I asked the greeter as we stood at the greeter’s desk.
    “Sure, follow me this way.” I followed her ass as we walked toward our table. I was so entranced that I almost walked up on her heels when we got to the table.
    I pulled out the chair for Ebony and then I sat down myself. I didn’t want to be a man, but I played the part as best I could, because as you know by now, I’m a bad bitch.
    “Your server will be right with you,” the waitress said as she walked away.
    “You okay?” She must have saw that I was looking at the waitress’s ass as she walked away, because she looked heated.
    “Do you really have to disrespect me like that?”
    “Like what?” I asked, playing dumb.
    She just looked at me with a pissed-off look. “Oh, you talking about that ... her ... I was just looking ... What? I can’t admire another chick in front of you?”
    “I wouldn’t do that to you.” she said in a serious tone. I didn’t care though.
    “I’m not you,” I stated. “We are not exclusive, remember, you have a man.”
    “That’s beside the point,” she huffed. “It’s just disrespectful.”
    “Look, I need you to play your position. I like you, but we not in a relationship and that was your call, not mine.”
    “I know I said that, but—”
    “But nothing,” I cut her off. “You had your chance to be exclusive, but you wanted to be a punk bitch about it, so I decide that it is what it is. You not the only one I’m doing and frankly, I like it that way.”
    She sat back and folded her arms and pouted like a baby. It just proved to me that age is nothing but a number and maturity can’t be based on age, because some people’s age and maturity didn’t always coincide.
    “Look, let’s just enjoy the meal and our time together.” By the time I said that the waiter had come to our table and we ordered our food.
    “I have to use the bathroom,” I said, getting out of my

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