Bondage Seduction

Bondage Seduction by Tori Carson

Book: Bondage Seduction by Tori Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Carson
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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would be subject to my rules. Dangerous stunts, like the one tonight, I would never allow.”
    His protective streak was overruling his brain. She’d given him an out. He should take it and run, but he couldn’t. Not when she needed him.
    Underneath his gruff armour, he hid a white knight in search of his damsel. One who needed him as much as he needed her. He was never going to change the world. He didn’t have his brother’s skill as a surgeon to save someone’s life. He didn’t have the power to protect the innocent or bring about justice like his sister, the judge. All he did was run a sex toy company. No one needed that and no one needed him. But maybe, for a short time, Meri did. He had no doubt that she’d be back on her feet and leave him in the dust, but right now—she needed him.
    Meri turned her head to the side and looked up at him. “I’m vulnerable to you, Ted. Do you hear what I’m saying? I don’t know if I’m rebounding or if it’s the emotional gamut that comes with submission or if it’s my attraction to you, but you’ve made it clear you don’t feel anything for me besides one human being caring for another, so it’s only fair that you know where I’m coming from.”
    Ted smiled. She was trying to protect him. “Another piece of the puzzle falls into place. You’re a reflective thinker. That, my pet, is a trait with a double edge. Useful when used in moderation, but destructive if you spend too much time in that mode. It can eat away at your self-confidence and make you second guess your decisions.”
    Meri chuckled, but the joy didn’t reach her eyes. “So true. Is it possible you suffer from the same affliction?”
    “I think I invented it.” He spent so much time analysing every aspect of his actions it was a miracle he got anything done. “Let’s take it slowly. I understand where you’re coming from and you know what my mindset is, so we’re both going into this with our eyes open. What do you say, Meri? Will you trust me?”
    “I trust you.”
    Her statement lacked conviction and he didn’t really blame her. They hadn’t known each other long.
    “What do you want to do with this?” he asked, showing her the whip.
    “Donate it to the cause. I don’t want it and I can’t imagine she would either.”
    “Most of our members are comfortable financially, but there a few young bucks, just starting out, that would appreciate it.”
    “I don’t ever want to see it or another like it, ever again.”
    Ted put the handle back in his pocket. “Don’t jump to that conclusion, Meri. A car in the hands of someone who doesn’t know how to use it can be a very dangerous implement, but for those of us trained to use it properly, it’s a useful tool.”
    “I’ll have to take your word for that because right now I’m just not feeling it.”
    “One of these days, I’ll show you the difference. Tonight, I think you’ve had enough experimenting. Would you like to go into the hall and watch a few scenes?”
    Meri rolled over on her left side and covered her breasts with her right arm. “I doubt I’d be good company. Do you know what happened to my top?”
    “You had it in your hand when we left the other room.” He turned around and found it on the counter behind him. After holding it up, he announced, “This looks tight. If you put it on, you’ll ruin it. I slathered on the ointment.” Ted unbuttoned his shirt, took it off and held it out to her. “Wear this.”
    Meri’s breath caught in her throat. Oh, dear Lord, he is a sexy man. Without even thinking about it, she reached for his shirt. She certainly didn’t want him to put it back on. Pulling it close to her, she inhaled his scent. Okay, it was selfish as hell, but she really wanted to wear his shirt, to have it wrapped around her. It would be almost as nice as having his arms around her. After one more deep breath, her conscience got the better of her. “Thank you, but I don’t want to stain yours. This

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