Bondage Seduction

Bondage Seduction by Tori Carson Page A

Book: Bondage Seduction by Tori Carson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tori Carson
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
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was my stupid idea. I don’t want to put you out any more than I already have.” Reluctantly, she gave it back.
    Ted tossed his shirt over his shoulder. “Let’s get you up. There’s only one stripe on your thigh that will give you trouble. When you sit down, remain still. Each time you wiggle, it’ll be a painful reminder.”
    Meri nodded and pushed herself into a sitting position. It didn’t hurt nearly as bad as she’d expected. Whatever he’d used, it really worked. Ted put his hands at her waist.
    “Let me lift you.” He didn’t wait for her to answer, he just picked her up.
    As her feet touched the ground, she stared at his bulging muscles. Hell, she wasn’t any better than Brandy. “Thanks, I feel a lot better now. I think when the pain was so much more than I expected, I worked myself into a panic.” That and a serious case of guilt when she saw how truly distraught Ted was over her predicament. She felt like an utter cad for orchestrating this disastrous evening.
    She could feel his eyes moving over her body and she started to squirm. It was too erotic to be the focus of his attention. There was no way to hide the wetness glistening on her pussy. Unable to stand his scrutiny, she tossed her hair in front of her face.
    Ted slid a finger from her forehead down her chin then pushed her hair behind her ear. “First rule of training, Meri—don’t hide from me. Not physically or mentally. I need to know what you’re thinking and feeling.” Ted circled her wrists with his hands and pulled them away from her body. He continued to hold them there while he took another long, slow look at her.
    “I want to see every inch of your gorgeous body. You’re very sexy and you should be proud to show your body off to me.” He took her right hand and held it against his large, firm erection. “This is what you do to me. In my line of business, I see a lot of nude bodies.”
    His smile was a little sad and she didn’t understand that. Most men would love to see naked women all evening long…wouldn’t they?
    “It’s your breasts, your curves”—he glided his finger down her side—“that I’m responding to.”
    Meri felt heat wash over her face. “Thank you.” Out of habit, she twisted her head sharply which sent her hair tumbling down around her again.
    “You do not want to earn a punishment, my pet, and I certainly don’t want to administer one. You’ve been through enough this evening. Listen to me closely, Meri. Do. Not. Move. Until I tell you otherwise.”
    When she continued to hold her arms in place, he praised her. “That’s a good pet. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.” He waited for her to follow his instructions. “Keep your eyes on me and remain perfectly still.” Ted ran a hand through her hair and pushed it behind her shoulders. “I’ve had more than one fantasy about your hair. I think I’ll keep them to myself for the moment, but know I have plans. Have you ever looked at your neck in the mirror, Meri?”
    She started to shake her head, but stopped immediately. He’d said not to move. “Not really. Is something wrong with it?” She sounded timid and she hated that. Where had her confidence gone? She was a strong woman, maybe her body image was a bit lacking, but she was proud of the person inside the less than perfect covering.
    “Only that I want to wrap my fingers around it and spend hours caressing it with my lips and tongue.” He drew his finger, just one, from her jaw to her collar bone.
    How could such a simple touch affect her so?
    “Your breasts are large and responsive, just the way I like them.” His touch was rough as he palmed her left tit, massaging as he swirled his thumb over her nipple. “And just that fast, they harden for me.”
    His other hand still held hers pressed against him, allowing her to feel his cock throb as he played with her breast. It was a heady feeling that she rather enjoyed.
    “I’ve always been a sucker for an hourglass

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