Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison)

Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison) by Angela Horn

Book: Blue Sacrifice (Blue Davison) by Angela Horn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Horn
weren’t special. You were beautiful, but you’re so much more
than beautiful, Flynn. Thank you for finding me that day on the bridge.”
    As his arms wrapped around me, one hand teased my
smiley face while his free hand stroked my bare shoulder.
    “What we have, you and me, isn’t the ordinary boy
meets girl thing. Maybe you can’t believe I love you, but you must see what we
share is special. From the moment we met, I never once thought to put the
brakes on my feelings. It always felt right and I can’t imagine those feelings
ever changing. Together we have a chance to be truly happy, no matter what’s
come before.”
    A little overwhelmed by his words, I kissed Flynn tenderly
as a way to show my thanks. Licking at his lips, the kiss quickly deepened and
his embrace tightened. Soon his tee was off and I explored his smooth skin with
my tongue, making him squirm.
    As difficult as it was to believe someone like
Flynn loved me, I had to accept he felt something amazing. His moves might have
been used a million times, but the look in his eyes as we spent the night
getting to know each other was too raw to be faked.

Chapter Six
    Flynn wasn‘t kidding about his room being cold.
Naked when we reached the rather barren bedroom, I actually thought only a
jacket would keep my teeth from chattering. Flynn took our piles of clothes,
threw them on a lonely corner chair, then lifted the thick white comforter on
his bed and I dove underneath. He soon joined me and we found a way to recharge
our body heat.
    Having never spent the night with a guy before, I
expected all kinds of awkwardness. Yet soon I was sound asleep next to Flynn. I
dreamed of something happy initially, but eventually the demons hounded me, unhappy
about my fun weekend. As they chased me out of the dream, I felt their sharp
little nails digging into my flesh.
    “Blue,” Flynn said, turning on a light and pulling
me to him. “What the hell kind of nightmare was that?”
    “The Lily Falls kind,” I said, gripping hold of
him and hiding my face against his strong chest. “Can you turn off the light?”
    Flynn switched off his lamp and the room fell
dark, hiding the faces I knew were waiting for me. Lifting my head, I could see
Flynn frowning.
    “I’m sorry,” I whispered.
    “For what?”
    “Waking you up.”
    Flynn’s frown hardened. “Doesn’t anyone take care
of you at all?”
    “I don’t understand.”
    “You apologize for crap no one needs to apologize
for. You had a nightmare. Why would you act like you did something wrong?”
    “I don’t know. I was just being polite.”
    “No, you say you’re sorry to everything so you
don’t have to say anything else. You like to hide and I think you’re used to no
one making you come out from your hiding place.”
    Feeling awkward under his gaze, I whispered, “I
really don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “Yes, you do,” he said, lifting my chin up so I
would look at him. “You said last night at dinner how you don’t expect
anything. That’s not really true. You expect people to fail or abandon you, so
you give them the outs you think they want.”
    Staring at him in the darkness, I said the only
thing I could think to say. “I’m sorry.”
    “I don’t want an out, Blue.”
    Exhaling hard, Flynn wrapped me tighter in his
arms. “You frustrate me.”
    “I know.”
    A hint of a smile touched his lips. “But I like
how you frustrate me.”
    “Then I’ll keep doing it,” I said, smiling
    Flynn must have seen my grin because he ran his
hand down my back and kept going.
    “I really don’t want an out,” he said, cupping my
butt and tugging me against him, “so you need to learn to stop trying to give
me one. I know it’s something you’ve done for a long time with everyone else,
but you need to train yourself to stop doing it with me.”
    “I can’t promise anything.”
    Flynn teased my tattoo then rolled me onto my
back. “You had a very bad

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