if she saw a chance to fuck with him. But was it better to leave Liv alone with Merci so the red-haired bitch could screw up his girlfriend’s mind?
The bartender refilled his glass without asking. “She still hasn’t called?” he asked. He didn’t know or probably want to know the details of the call Chris was waiting for, but talking kept customers drinking.
Chris shrugged. “Not yet.”
“Well maybe you should think about some other options.” He nodded his head toward something behind Chris. “The Latinas in the corner have been sizing you up for about fifteen minutes.”
Chris pivoted on his stool to see who the bartender had noticed. Two raven-haired beauties were smoking in a corner booth. One was dressed in a black dress which showed off her boobs. The other had on a tight black tank top which showed a tattoo on her bicep which Chris couldn’t make out from this distance.
The women laughed when they noticed Chris looking at them.
Chris turned back to the bartender. “You’ve got to be joking. They couldn’t possibly want me.”
The bartender shrugged. “If you say so, but they keep looking at you, and they’ve blown off three different guys who approached their table.”
“Then they’re waiting for someone else,” Chris said.
“If you say so,” the bartender grinned.
A fist playfully clipped Chris’ arm.
“Hey, Blondie, you want to come join me and my friend?”
Chris pivoted again in surprise. The young woman in the tank top was standing next to him. She had black eyeliner to go with the black top and a dagger tattooed on her right bicep. The arm beneath the tattoo was fit and muscular—very sexy. Her breasts were large—not large like Merci’s, but very attractive none the less. Below she wore dark army fatigues and combat boots. The overall effect confirmed Chris’ initial impression—hard and sexy.
Chris forced himself not to appraise her friend back at the table. “Thanks for the invitation, but I have a girlfriend.”
“Is she the one standing you up tonight? We’ve watched you check that phone like fifteen times.”
She reached over and picked up the cell phone before Chris could stop her. “Si, it’s working.”
She leaned closer to Chris. He could smell the scent of beer and tobacco on her breath. Anywhere else and that smell would have repulsed him, but in a bar women were supposed to smell of alcohol and cigarettes.
“Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. She’ll be twenty-four and she hasn’t gotten fucked the whole time she’s twenty-three. We want to interview you for the job but you have to move your ass to the table and at least act like you’re interested.”
What was it, Chris wondered, about being unavailable that made a man so attractive to women? It just didn’t make any sense. None of this made any sense. Women didn’t pick guys up in bars.
“Look, your friend is beautiful,” Chris said. The bar was too dark for him to be certain of that, but it seemed like the right thing to say. “Two months ago and I’d already be over there filling out applications. But right now, I can’t.”
The woman looked him up and down and shook her head. “I don’t see what she sees in you anyway, Blondie.” She turned and walked back toward her friend. Her ass looked great in those fatigues.
Chris turned to check his phone and found the woman had not returned it to the bar. “That’s just great.”
Chris drained his Jack Daniels and waved the bartender over. “Better make it a double and send to the table whatever the two ladies are drinking.”
He waited for the bartender to refill his glass, and then rose from his seat to reclaim his phone.
Chapter Twenty Eight
“Did I ever tell you what really happened between Chris and me?” Liv asked as she sat back down in the middle of the couch next to Merci. She had refilled their wine glasses and now she sat with one leg pulled in front of her facing her old
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