Blackbird's Fall

Blackbird's Fall by Jenika Snow

Book: Blackbird's Fall by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
still be felt.
bent over and pushed some of the foliage away, and saw the bushes of ripened
blackberries. A swatch of light came through from an opening in the tops of the
tress, giving the berries enough to grow. Maya started picking the berries and
putting them in the small basket she carried, but then the feeling of something
close to her had her standing and turning around, the knife that had been
strapped to her hip now in her hand. She held it out in front of her, ready to
use it, but she saw Sherman and Marius coming toward her. He stopped and held
up his hands.
I told you not to walk up on me. You’re liable to get stabbed.” She wasn’t
teasing. She’d rather jab first and ask questions later, especially in this
shitty world.
started chuckling, and she sheathed her knife again, not being able to keep her
smile in. Every passing day she grew to love him even more. They were a team,
and she knew that without his company, without his help, she would have had a
difficult time living out here by herself. As it was the last few months where
she’d been here alone had been starting to eat away at her. Not even Sherman as
her companion had been enough.
came closer, and she eyed him, wondering what was on his mind since he wore a
look like you have something up your sleeves.”
lifted his arms. “I’m wearing a t-shirt, baby.”
rolled her eyes at his reply. When he was a foot from her, the tree stopping
her from even thinking about leaving, all she could feel was his body heat.
“You’re funny,” she said in a bland tone, but smiled. He moved a step closer to
her. “Marius, what are we doing?” Maya said on a whisper, feeling her arousal
rise. This was always how she felt when he was near, when he looked at those
with those intense, serious eyes.
reached out and smoothed his hand on her cheek. “I’m not doing anything,” he
said unconvincingly. He continued to move his hand down, over her throat,
across her collarbones, and covered one of her breasts.
only sound that could be heard was of them breathing heavily. Sherman was off
to the side rummaging around, but all she could focus on was Marius.
would you say if I said I wanted to fuck you right here?”
sucked in a lungful of air. “It’s dangerous being out here.”
moved closer until his chest brushed her breasts. “I’ll protect you.” He
pressed her up against the tree, and ground his hard dick into her belly until
she gasped slightly. Maya dropped the basket, the berries forgotten as pleasure
stole her sanity and common sense.
      “This is kind of reckless,” she said without
any worry in her voice, without fearing they were in danger.
and doesn’t it feel fucking incredible,” Marius said without phrasing it like a
closed her eyes when his warm breath teased her throat.
at me, baby,” he said low, commanding.
opened her eyes and looked at him. He smoothed his hand over the side of her
head, grabbed a chunk of her hair, and tilted her head to the side. He then
dipped his head and ran his tongue up the length of her throat, eliciting a
moan from her.
Marius,” she said and grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his
cotton-covered flesh.
taste good, sweet and addictive.”
was so damn aroused, her pussy wet, her clit feeling swollen. Although they
were alone, doing this out here was exciting, almost like she was living
dangerously. Of course she was, she supposed.
pushed him away an inch, but before he could say anything she shed her clothes.
She’d only had a t-shirt and capris on, but they’d felt so damn abrasive on her
flesh. When she stood before him in only her panties and bra he took control.
Marius helped her take her underwear off by grabbing the elastic at her hips
and pushing them down her legs. He then pulled the cups of her bra down so her
breasts spilled out of the top. Having

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