Black Onyx

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Book: Black Onyx by Victor Methos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor Methos
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we’ll be spending some more time together, Mr. Mentzer.”

    Dillon played in the African savannah before exploring Nairobi. He flew to the top of the tallest building, exhausted, and lay down on the soft black roofing. He had a date tonight with Jaime and he wanted to be sharp and rested. Lying on his back, he closed his eyes and slept.
    After waking and flying home, he showered and dressed and tucked the suit away in the garage before picking up Jaime in his car.
    They ate and watched a movie and then took a long walk on the beach. He spent the night at her house after an evening of drinking and talking. She wouldn’t sleep with him, but it didn’t matter. He just lay in bed with her and smelled her hair and had such butterflies in his stomach he couldn’t sleep.
    They spent the next day together. He called James once to check in with him and it went to voicemail.
    When the day was done, he drove her home and dropped Jaime off in front of her house. She kissed him again and he nearly blushed. He had wanted it for so long, now that he had it, it felt surreal.
    “Hey, so who were those guys?” she said.
    “What guys?”
    “Some guys came by the day before yesterday asking about you.”
    “Like who?”
    “I don’t know. They had Spanish accents. They said they were friends of yours. My mom told them you lived next door.”
    “Weird right? You don’t have any friends.”
    He pinched her. “Funny.”
    “Yeah, it is.” She kissed him again and got out of the car. “Surfing tomorrow?”
    “Sure. Wake me up.”
    He pulled out and then into his own driveway. Both James’ and Niles’ cars were already parked there. Which was odd because James hated parking outside. He thought it affected the paint job. Dillon got out and went inside. The house was empty.
    “ James, you home?”
    He was about to run up to his room when he saw that one of the kitchen chairs was in the front room. Dillon walked to it. Duct tape was on it and underneath the chair was a stain. He touched it. It was still wet. Bringing up his fingertips, he could see that it was blood.
    He jumped up and ran to Jaime’s house.
    “What guys?” he said by way of greeting.
    “What?” she said.
    “The guys that were asking about me. Who where they? What were they driving?”
    “I don’t know, a…some Beamers I think. Nice cars.”
    “What did they look like?”
    “Mexican, I think. One of them had a white suit. One had a—”
    “A white suit? With a light blue shirt underneath?”
    “Yeah. Dillon, what’s going on? You’re scaring me.”
    He leaned against the doorframe. It felt as if the wind had been knocked out of him. “How’d they find me?” he said to himself. “Someone said something…the cops. How’d they do it though…” He looked around to his neighbors. He wondered if someone had told the police or the press about what they’d seen.
    “I have to go.”
    “Where you going?” she shouted after him.
    But it was too late. He ran into his garage and within a few seconds was tearing through the air.

    Dillon scanned the entire i sland. He felt in his gut that it was the wrong approach. They wouldn’t be here. They wanted the suit. The man in white…it wasn’t shock or fear that the man had staring at him, like Dillon had thought. It was envy and curiosity. He wanted the suit…
    But if James or Niles told them he couldn’t have it. That no one could have it because it had ‘bonded’ to him, would they be crazy enough to try and find another one? He couldn’t just sit at home and hope they would turn up.
    He turned south, speeding away from the island and over the vast expanse of ocean.
    Dillon kept his arms and legs in a straight line. He had found that if he concentrated on speeding up, he would. The suit responded to his thoughts. The last time they had spoken, James told him he

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