Black Gold
running as fast as her pretty little shoes could take her, as far away from him as possible.
    He scrambled for some logical excuse. “Too much coffee. I should switch to decaf. Orange juice?” He offered his glass and her expression smoothed again.
    Somehow he had to convince her there was another way to finish her project without subjecting her to full-out wilderness in her first days up north. It really would be better for them all if she decided to cancel the trip. He didn’t need her to get so discouraged she turned and ran south before she’d had time to truly fall in love.
    With both him and the land.

    Chapter Seven
    Gem made sure the breakfast conversation stuck to light, non- them related issues. They might have far too many details to figure out, but based on how fabulous their earlier discussion had gone, she didn’t want to be fighting indigestion as well as anger for the rest of the day.
    Instead she played the ultimate diplomat. If there was one thing her years acting as her father’s hostess had taught her, it was how to talk about absolutely anything, with anyone, and say nothing.
    If only she didn’t keep losing her concentration every time their elbows bumped. Or when their fingers touched as he passed her the salt. When he’d offered her a taste of his fresh-squeezed orange juice, she’d nearly had heart palpitations. Even sharing a glass with him was far too intimate.
    Finally, Shaun stared at her over his empty plate. “Had enough?” She dabbed her mouth with her napkin and nodded. “That was delicious, thank you.” He led her back toward their rooms. She paused in the foyer. “I know the official sightseeing wasn’t suppose to begin until we leave Whitehorse, but would you be interested in showing me around?” His grin was mesmerizing. “I would love to be your guide. Put yourself entirely into my hands.” Into his hands. The coals in her belly fanned to high heat, and she forced herself to ignore them. Not now. They had already established they could have sex. Hot sex. Melt-the-sheets sex.
    Could they go for a walk without starting another argument?
    “I’d like that.” She paused again. “I should change.”
    He eyed her, admiration clear. “I don’t want you to change a thing.” That wasn’t what it had sounded like before, but she’d take the statement at face value. “Thank you.” Shaun offered his hand and she accepted it, her fingers tingling where they made contact. He led her out the front doors to where the sun was already high overhead. A lingering coolness hung in the air as the breeze flowed over the river.
    It was peaceful and serene—walking quiet streets with hints of brilliant green showing everywhere.
    Considering it was June and she’d seen Savannah bloom back in March and April, to realize it was only spring here was another reminder of just how far away from home she was. He squeezed her hand and pointed to a nest, the white head of a bald eagle peeking over the edge.
    She was loath to break their companionable silence, but they had to begin the discussions sometime.
    “Do you live right in Whitehorse?”

    Black Gold
    Shaun laughed. “That’s a tough question. When I’m not working tourist flights or shipping supplies, yes, I live here in town in the pack house. I also have an apartment in Haines Junction—that’s where we store the planes.”
    “Two places?”
    “Yeah, means less time on the road. In the summer, my partner and I fly most of the bookings for Maximum Exposure Wilderness Expeditions. Tad’s Alpha and brother-in-law owns that company. Then in the dead of winter, I chopper medical and emergency supplies to Old Crow and other people in remote areas who get isolated in the cold season.”
    They’d arrived at a walkway that paralleled the river. With a gentle pressure on her hand, he held her back for a moment, pointing across to where a section of lingering ice had just broken loose from the

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