Black Dawn

Black Dawn by Desconhecido(a)

Book: Black Dawn by Desconhecido(a) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido(a)
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    Charisma Knight
    Copyright © 2013
    Chapter One
    Dar eavesdropped on her father’s conversation involving the vampires taking over the human realm. Her mother had informed her that eavesdropping would one day introduce her to something she wasn’t ready to grasp. She swallowed hard and cringed. Today was that day.
    Her father, Cyrus, his second in command, Thom, and King Zurion spoke in hushed tones. The large wooden double doors had been left ajar. Thankful for that unnoticed mistake, she stood in the small juncture off to the left of the king’s meeting chambers.
    “ I’m sorry, but we’re still unable to zero in on the exact location where your daughter is being held.” Thom focused his gaze on the king. “We need more time to find her.”
    “ We’ve wasted enough time and energy on this matter. “ King Zurion’s voice thundered through the air like a harrowing storm. “If we don’t seal the portals leading to the human realm, we’ll put everyone at risk.”
    Cyrus knelt on one knee and bowed his head. “I beg of you. Please allow me time to find my eldest daughter. If you seal the portals now, she’ll be trapped there forever. Zari balances the dark, just as my youngest, Dar, balances the light. Neither can be recreated.”
    “True.” Zurion spoke harshly. “She cannot be recreated, but even if they should cease to exist, that will have no bearing on our world continuing to exist . ” Dar’s fist tightened at the king’s cruel words. She often wondered how her father continued to serve such an asinine ruler. “How can you say that?” Cyrus’s voice was strained and Dar knew her father fought to contain his anger. She wished he’d give Zurion a piece of his mind. “She is my child!”
    Zurion’s tone was emotionless. “I sense the vampires are utilizing her powers to bring forth darkness in the human world. Don’t you see , it is the only way to preserve Sychuria ? The human population has dwindled greatly, and we can no longer protect the humans the way we used to. They have willingly submitted to the vampires.”
    Cyrus stiffened and worry graced his face. “So what you’re telling me is my daughter is expendable?”
    “ I’m sorry, but—it is what it is.” The king stroked his beard and frowned. “This is a most unfortunate matter we’re experiencing. You know as well as I that we cannot risk saving one while placing the entire community in danger.”
    “ Please. I’ll do whatever it takes.”
    Dar placed a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. It broke her heart to hear the sorrow in her father’s voice, but deep down inside, anger began to blossom. She grew tired of the hold the king had on their people.
    King Zurion sighed. “Lucky for you I’m taking into consideration the honorable service you have done for me, but you will have no more than three days' time to locate Zari . If you do not find her by then, I’m closing the portal, with or without you and your daughter.” The king continued stroking his long white beard. “Do I make myself clear?”
    Cyrus nodded. “As clear as rainwater.”
    “ Very well. Go on, you have my permission to continue the search. But remember the time frame!”
    * * **
    When Cyrus and Thom exited Zurion’s chambers, Dar approached them. She knew it would take most of her energy to convince her father to come along. In case he denied her, she had a backup plan to take care of him.
    “ I’m going with you,” she blurted out stubbornly as they walked down the long corridor. “I heard what King Zurion said.” She shook her head sadly. “I can’t believe he would abandon Zari like that.”
    “ You’d be wise to listen to your father,” Thom suggested as he strode along proudly by Cyrus’s side.
    Cyrus grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into a corner.   “Thom, meet me outside the gate.” Thom nodded and left them.
    “ You’ll go back to your chambers and wait for me to bring

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