Black Dawn

Black Dawn by Desconhecido(a) Page A

Book: Black Dawn by Desconhecido(a) Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desconhecido(a)
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Zari back. I’ve told you no good will ever come of you listening in on conversations.”
      She watched as beads of sweat erupted on his smooth mocha skin. Ignoring her father’s remark and his piercing brown eyes, Dar pulled from his grasp and stood her ground. “Take me with you. I can help find Zari .”
    “You’re such a pig-headed child!” Cyrus snorted. “You make me look bad in the eyes of our king! Why do you try so hard to defy me?” Her father sucked in a quick breath and if looks could kill, she knew she’d be dead.
    Cyrus lowered his voice. “I didn’t tell the king this, but Zari left of her own accord. She wanted to see what the human realm was all about. I forbade her to go and she defied me!”
    “Okay, I’m sure she didn’t have your permission, but you shouldn’t hold that against her. We’ve never cared for Zurion’s strict rules! He speaks for the people, and anyone who speaks against him is shunned. It’s not right and you know it.”
    It’s against the law, what you speak!” Cyrus sputtered. “How many times do I have to keep telling you girls?”
    “Exactly!” Dar pointed out. “The law. A law that forbids the inhabitants of Sychuria from venturing to other realms is a stupid law. Making one feel like they must walk on eggshells is not living, but merely existing. We are the living dead.”
    “Watch your tongue, young lady.” Cyrus warned.
    “ Oh, so it’s okay to have our free will taken from us? Why do you support him? We’re mere cattle. How can we evolve if we do not explore? Why keep us in unseen bondage?”
    “Dar, what you speak is treason and is punishable by death!”
    “Father, it is the truth! You know it as well as I !”
    “Silence, child! I’ll hear no more of this senseless drivel!” Spittle spew from her father’s lips, he was so angry. For a split second, she believed he’d strike her or turn her in to the king. His eyes spoke volumes. He frightened her, but not enough for her to back down.
    “ I disagree with you, father.” She had to continue to stand her ground. What was the use of existing if one was told what to do and not to do in their free time? She put her hands on her hips and frowned. “Once you find Zari , you’re going to turn her into the king, aren’t you?”
    “I’m Zurion’s first in command. I must obey the law, Dar. You know that.”
    “Even though you know her punishment? Why do you have to say anything? Just continue to let people think she was kidnapped.”
    “Your sister defied me and there are a few who know of this, like Thom. If I do nothing, then I’m sending a message to the entire community that it’s okay for everyone to come and go to the human realms. These laws are in force for a reason! To protect us!”
    “Thom is a good friend of yours. You’ve known each other since you were young boys.”
    Cyrus shook his head in agitation. “That’s not the point, Dar! Oh, child, I’m wasting my time with you. Please go and find something to do. I hope to be back in less than a day. Whatever happens with Zari .... ” He held his head down for a few seconds, as though he was battling himself. “She brought it on herself.”
    “Why do you expect me to sit back and do nothing? I won’t have her punished.” We are close, and I’ll probably have a better way of finding her than you or your guards. Father. Have you ever stopped to think she doesn’t want to be found?”
    Cyrus’s brows furrowed. “You leave me no choice but to lock you away in your chambers. I’ll place two guards outside your door.” He turned his back on her and that was when Dar seized her opportunity after observing they were alone in the great hall.
    “I’m sorry to do this, father.” In a split second, she’d placed energy zapping cuffs around her father’s wrists. To ensure he wouldn’t escape, she suspended him within an impenetrable ball, one that would keep him subdued until she returned from the human realm. She had her

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