Black Butterfly
addressing Sydney, but glaring at Nolen.
    Sydney gave them a reassuring nod, and the girls left with the driver closing the door.
    “You three seem pretty close,” Nolen said.
    “They’re like sisters to me,”
    “And who are Ricky and Syl?”
    Sydney blinked at him in surprise. “What business is that of yours?” Taking a deep breath, he tried another tactic. “I keep saying all the wrong things to you.”
    “That’s because you aren’t being genuine with me. You’re trying to manipulate me.”
    “Is that what you think?”
    “Because of my birthday gift?”
    “Because of your girlfriend,” Sydney shot back.
    Now this he found interesting. Girlfriend? Whatever put such a foolish idea in her head? “Oh, you think Xenia is my girlfriend?”
    “I think that she thinks so too.”
    Nolen nodded. “We’ve had a friendship for about a year, but she’s by no means my girlfriend.”
    “Hey, whatever you say.”
    “So which one is it?”
    “Which one of what?”
    “Ricky or Syl? Which one’s your boyfriend?”
    Sydney swallowed her smile. “You just don’t know when to quit, do you? What do you want from me, Mr. Adams?”
    “First, for you to stop calling me Mr. Adams. I thought we were past that by now.”
    “So if I address you by Nolen or Adams, will you stop trying to seduce me?” Nolen's smile sparkled in his eyes. Sydney understood him more than he thought. “You think that this is my attempt at a seduction?” he asked, leaning forward in his seat as if to study her face more closely. “I haven’t even tried to seduce you yet.”
    “So is that what you want from me? Sex?”
    “I’d be lying if I said the thought hasn’t crossed my mind. How about you?” Sydney laughed at his audacity. “No, I’m not consumed with thoughts of sleeping with anyone, let alone an arrogant egomaniac like you.”
    Nolen smiled devilishly at her remark, flattered instead of insulted. “So you don’t like sex?”
    “Ok, this conversation is over!” she said, reaching for her purse. “I’m done.”
    “What are you afraid of? I’m curious.”
    Sydney’s hand gripped the door handle, but she stopped and looked back into his eyes. “Just because I don’t want to sleep with the executive producer of my show doesn’t mean that I’m afraid. I think it means I’m smart.”
    “Then why do you run away every time we have a direct conversation?” Sitting back, she put down her purse. “I haven’t had a direct conversation with you yet. You talk in code.
    It wasn’t until just now that you made your intentions clear.”
    “I didn’t make my intentions clear. I simply said that sex with you had crossed my mind.”
    “You’re smooth,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ll give you that.”
    “And you’re a lot tougher than I initially thought. I like that.” Sydney smiled. “So you respond to a challenge. Now I understand.”
    “Yes. My refusals got your attention. What happens if I give in? Will I suffer the same fate as Portia?” Nolen blinked in surprise. “If you’ve done your homework on me, Nolen, then you should know that I’m not from a big city. I don’t have an ounce of hustler blood running through my veins. That’s right, I sleep well at night. I won’t sacrifice any of my principles because of this attraction we share.” He moistened his lips. “So you admit that you’re attracted to me.”
    “Miss Piggy would dump Kermit if she got a look at you. But you know that already, don’t you? Wait a minute. I remember! I think you once said, and correct me if I’m wrong, ‘I love women. I enjoy all kinds of women and never tire of them. As for my finding that special one, there’s no need. Every time I meet one, she’s special to me.’”
    Nolen’s laughter filled the limo, and she gave a triumphant smile, having proven her point.
    “So let me get this straight. Because I love women, I’m unprincipled?”
    “No. Because you believe that

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