
Bittersweet by Michele Barrow-Belisle Page B

Book: Bittersweet by Michele Barrow-Belisle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michele Barrow-Belisle
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than a little impatient.
    â€œUhm...” I stared at the assortment of beverages lining the back wall. I could have just ordered a cola, but felt like something a little more interesting.
    The strange man lifted his drink, which had a salted rim and was garnished with a celery stick. “Even without vodka, Bloody Caesars are good, if you like tomato juice.”
    â€œI don’t.” But I also didn’t want to keep the bartender waiting. “I’ll have the same.” I pointed.
    The bartender started to whip together my drink while the man a few stools down from me nodded with a smile. I offered a half smile then turned away, not wanting to give him any ideas. Where had I seen this guy before?
    At the same time my drink arrived in front of me, the man shuffled to the stool right next to mine. I sighed internally. Where was my knight in shining armor when I needed him? Now I was going to have to fend off some forty-year-old perv all night? Not part of my just-cut-loose plan.
    I was preparing to give him my so not interested look, when I caught sight of his ring. It was massive, and gold and flashy... and in that moment I remembered where I’d seen it before.
    I swung my gaze back to his.
    He smiled, again, seeming to know I’d recognized him.
    I didn’t return his smile. “Peterson? You’re the guy who called me, aren’t you?” I nearly whispered the words.
    He nodded. “Yes, Lorelei, I am. Considering we’ve only met once, you have a good memory.” He gestured to the booth near the back of the club. “Can we talk?”
    I tried for an air of cool and calm as he led me to a quieter part of the club. It was a tough act to pull off. Mutely, I followed, not sure what to say. What did you say to a stranger who may or may not be involved with the disappearance of your great aunt?

    Chapter Twelve
    I slid into the booth. Every cell that was twirling with abandon not long ago was now guarded and on edge.
    Peterson squeezed into the booth across from me. “This hardly seems a fitting place for a young girl. On a school night no less.”
    I looked up over my virgin drink and stared into his roundish face. His russet cheeks pulled back in an overly friendly smile that bordered on eerie. I gulped down another mouthful, taking a moment to find my voice.
    â€œI’m actually here for a class,” I said, looking around for the nearest exit in case I needed to make a quick getaway.
    He made a face like he didn’t believe a word I was saying, so I pointed to Mr. Smythe who was across the room. “My music teacher is right over there,” I said. “The entire class is here.” I wanted him to know there were people here who knew me, who would notice if I suddenly went missing.
    He glanced mildly in the direction I was pointing then smiled again. “I’m sure you have questions?”
    Understatement of the year. He hadn’t changed much since the last time I saw him, at the reception after the vocal competition. Only then I thought he was the talent scout my mother had sent from Julliard to watch me perform. All I knew about this man was that he was somehow involved with my great aunt. The one who’d been missing for over two weeks. And that he’d sent me on a wild goose chase for reasons I couldn’t begin to fathom.
    â€œAre you going to tell me what happened? I mean you call and tell me to meet you at your office. Then send me to that dive to find Camilla and don’t bother to show up.”
    Peterson examined me carefully then leaned back, folding one dimpled hand over the other on the table. “I thought it best I stay away, given the circumstances.”
    â€œWhat circumstances?”
    â€œDid you come alone?”
    â€œYou’re crazy if you believed I would.”
    â€œLorelei. There are things that you know. Things that I also know. About you. Your grandmother. Your parents...”

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