Billionaire on the Loose

Billionaire on the Loose by Jessica Clare Page B

Book: Billionaire on the Loose by Jessica Clare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Clare
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witless. You?”
    She gave a little sigh. “Busy. Work has been a nightmare this week. I picked up an extra shift because my boss was pressing on me hard, but it’s eating up all my time.” The happiness in her voice was gone, replaced by stress.
    â€œYou should go out to lunch with me, then.”
    â€œI can’t. I’m on call. I have to stay here and work.”
    â€œDinner, then?”
    â€œI’m on call until midnight.”
    â€œI can be over there at midnight,” he said, keeping his voice smooth. “Then we can grab a bite to eat somewhere. Someone’s got to be open that late, right? This is a big city.”
    Her little sigh was unhappy. “I wish I could, but I’m just going to go to sleep at that point. I’m sorry, I’m not a very fun girl. I wasn’t lying when I said I didn’t have time for much of anything.”
    â€œI know, but you can’t blame me for trying. Tomorrow?”
    â€œTomorrow night’s the raid, and after last week, I truly can’t miss it.”
    â€œMmm, well, that’s a shame.” She was blowing him off for a computer game. It stung his ego. “Want to hook up for some filthy, no-strings-attached sex after your raid? I can come over there.”
    She giggled again. “I’d better not. I do appreciate the offer, though.”
    Damn, there was no breaking down her defenses. “All right, then. Well, if you want to get together, you have my number.”
    â€œI do,” she said cheerfully. “I’m sorry, Loch. My life is just crazy hectic right now. You understand, right?”
    â€œOf course.” He mumbled something about her having a good day and then hung up, frustrated. Normally women fell into his lap. The one time he was the one pursuing? He couldn’t get her to leave her damned apartment.
    He stared down at his phone, thinking. Actually, she did leave her apartment at least once a week—for the party thing she mentioned on Saturday nights at the pub. Odds were good that if he went there, she’d be there.
    Looked like he had plans for the weekend after all.
    Taylor was not looking forward to the LAN party.
    Saturday nights were supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be the time where she could unwind after spending a rough week in the tech-support mines. She’d worked two extra shifts, was on call for overnights, and had somehow managed to play her character daily so Sigmund wouldn’t freak out. Now it was the weekend, and instead of being a relief from stress, it was just more stress. She didn’t want to go to the LAN party. If she did, it’d mean socializing for hours on end. They’d run an instanced raid available only on the LAN, and then they’d run a guild raid after the fact. She’d be out until three in the morning, at the very least, when all she wanted to do was sleep.
    But if she didn’t go, Sigmund would suspect she was out on a date again, and he’d been on edge all week.
    Irony of ironies? She really wanted to go out with Loch again but had to turn him down. She was still thinking about—okay obsessing over—the one-night stand they’d had, and the fact that he’d called and texted her this week to get together again. She’d have loved to say yes, but every time she thought about it, she remembered Sigmund. Sigmund, who threatened to hurt himself on a daily basis.
    She felt trapped. All the joy in
had been sucked out long ago, and now she felt obligated to play, and obligated to spend time with Sigmund, when all she really wanted to do was call Loch and tell him that she wanted him. Hell, she’d even have considered jogging, and she didn’t sweat for just any man.
    But as long as Sigmund was pulling the strings on her day-to-day life, just the thought of trying to add another person into her day made her stressed out. Loch would just forever exist as the

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