Big Spankable Asses
    “This is the second week of speed dating. Remember Simone started it last week? She told us about it last weekend. You should have come, it was fun!” Melinda spoke loudly above the music, loud hum of conversation, and ringing bells notifying the couples when it was time to move on to the next table and the next date.
    “Did you go? I didn’t know that! Did you actually participate?” Lilliana asked as they finally made it to their booth and she scooted toward the middle of the leather booth and made room for Melinda to sit.
    “Yes, I did. It was fun…wasn’t like I was doing anything else,” she muttered with a disgusted look plastered on her face.
    Lilliana didn’t have time to ask further in-depth questions as Simone came up to their booth, looking flushed and excited.
    “Wow, Simone! This is awesome. Was it busy like this last week, too?” Lilliana asked after they’d exchanged hugs and Simone sat on the edge of the booth seat.
    “Girl, yes! I think it is the best promotional idea yet! Business on Wednesday night has picked up significantly in just the two weeks we’ve been doing date night,” she said with satisfaction, as she waved her hand to get the waiter’s attention, and ordered drinks for them.
    “Well, it’s hopping, that’s for sure,” Lilliana agreed and the women caught up with the gossip of what had been happening in their lives.
    After they finished playing catch-up, Lilliana was sipping her virgin daiquiri when she felt the burning gaze of her friends. “What?” she asked, suddenly self-conscious.
    You know why we’re looking at you…give up the goodies,” Simone spoke around her straw. “We want all the details about this hot young thing you’ve been hanging around, and you’d better not leave out any details. We want to know the who , what, when, and how. When you let him rock you, what it was like…and girl…just how good was it, and from that grin on your face, my guess is that it was, is, damn good!”
    With that pronouncement, Simone sat back in the booth, crossed her arms over her chest, eyebrows raised, waiting to hear the juicy details of her friend’s newfound love interest.
    “Not only was it damn good,” Lilliana said and paused for effect, “ladies, I had no idea how good it could be when the right man spanks that ass…just right.” She didn’t try and stop the blissful smile from crossing her face before she happily gave up the goodies on her relationship with Josh.

    “D ang it. I need blueberries and all he has is raspberries…Simone, have you ever made raspberry pancakes?” Lilliana muttered, looking into the back of Joshua’s fruit bin in the refrigerator as she spoke on the phone to her friend early Saturday morning. She’d spent the night with Josh and had gotten up early in order to make him breakfast.
    “No, you’re not making him blueberry pancakes!”
    “Yep, sure am…and homemade at that!”
    “It’s like that, huh? He put it on you so hard you’re making homemade pancakes…oooh, go girl!”
    “Sim! You’ve no idea…yum! We already, um, used the strawberries and whipped topping last night so I have to improvise for my pancakes!” Lilliana laughed happily, feeling no shame in her game.
    “Ooooh…you so nasty!” Simone chortled. “I can see your fast behind now, running around the kitchen in flip-flops, wearing his shirt and no damn panties on…damn hussy!”
    “Not flip-flops, got on socks instead.”
    Lilliana looked down at her garb and refrained from laughing out loud. Besides the flip-flops, Simone had nailed it. She’d gotten up less than an hour ago and after she’d kissed a groggy Josh good morning she’d grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be his T-shirt, and pulled it over her head. She’d pulled on a pair of his socks and scrunched them down. Sans panties, she’d left the bedroom and made her way down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
    “Well, I’m no culinary expert, you know how I

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