Big Spankable Asses
avoid the whole domesticated thing.”
    Lilliana could picture the look of disgust on her friend’s face as she said the word “domesticated” and refrained from laughing. Simone was as far from domesticated as any woman could possibly be and took pleasure in reminding a man of that, if one ever mistakenly thought she wanted more than fun and good times from him.
    “Yeah, I know. I could be experiencing PMS—I feel kind of irrational. So…speaking of domesticated and all of that, when are you going to place the ad for someone to…” Lilliana allowed the sentence to trail off and waited.
    “Spank my ass?” The laugh Simone gave was short and to Lilliana’s ears sounded forced. “Ummm. Who knows? Soon, I guess. Anyway, tell me what you and the young wonder stud have planned this weekend,” she asked lightly.
    Lilliana was tempted to call her out but refrained. They’d made the agreement that when they’d placed their ads they would decide when and if they wanted to share the details with each other. So for now, she let it go.
    “Ummm. Well, let’s see. After I make breakfast I’ll go serve it in bed to him. After that, I figure it should be around lunch time…”
    “Nasty heffa. Go on, I’m listening,” she giggled and they both laughed.
    “Uncle Allen isn’t as bad as you make him out to be, Lan. I think you need to either come to terms with the fact that dad alone made the decision to leave, or let the shit go. Either way, it’s time to move on,” Josh said to his brother. He held the phone away from his jaw as he stared at his face in the bathroom mirror and rolled the electric razor over his morning stubble.
    Usually when his brother talked about their uncle or their father, a hard knot of stress would ball up in the pit of his gut. He didn’t like to think too much about the hows and whys of his father leaving. He’d been so young at the time, and besides, his father had been busy with the business when he was there. The truth was Josh hadn’t ever been particularly close with him.
    When his father had disappeared, leaving only a note saying he no longer wanted to be a part of the family or the business, Josh had felt the sting of his betrayal like the rest of the family. But for his older brothers, particularly Landon, it had been worse.
    “Does this mean you’re not coming home this year for the holidays?” he asked, moving his jaw side to side and examining his shave.
    “I don’t know yet. Depends on this mission. If it’s over by then…I may,” Landon hedged.
    In addition to his distrust of their uncle, Landon was in Special Forces. Athough Josh could never tell the exact nature of what he did or where he went, Landon was able to tell the family enough to let them know when he was okay and in the country, which was rare. 24/7, Lan lived and breathed Black Ops, which made his next statement even more surprising.
    “Maybe I’ll take leave. Come home and check out what’s going on.”
    “You? Take a vacation? What brought this on?”
    “We don’t call it ‘vacation,’ you damn pussy,” Landon guffawed, “It’s called leave. We take leave from duties. And I want to check out this woman who’s got my baby brother’s shorts in a knot,” he finished.
    “She’s got more than my shorts in a knot, man. She’s got my heart. And I know you don’t like Uncle Allen, but he helped me out and made sure Lilly got hired on full time at the firm,” Josh said as he sat down on the end of the bed.
    “What did he do that was so great?”
    “All I had to do was ask and he made sure it happened. It was pitiful, man. She was working as a temp, no medical or dental, making God-knows-what an hour. Hell, she couldn’t even go to a doctor’s office to get her birth control pills, she said she went to the damn free clinic to get them! I told Uncle Allen I needed him to get her on full time…”
    “It’s the least he could do. Hell, you own stock in the damn company, it’s as much

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