Between the Vines

Between the Vines by Tricia Stringer

Book: Between the Vines by Tricia Stringer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia Stringer
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Edward reached to smooth the shirt and brushed the tip of the iron with his finger. The sudden pain only increased his irritation. He stuck his finger in his mouth and felt sweat trickle down his back. He looked at his watch. Damn. There was no time for another shower, just a quick freshen-up before he met with Mr Cheng and his employer, Mr Zhu.

    Taylor wiped the top of the bar again and made sure all the folders listing Wriggly Creek wines were straight. She glanced behind her, willing Peter to appear through the back entrance before the group of men she’d just seen pull up out the front made it inside the cellar door. There was no sign of him. He’d said he wouldn’t be long, but something had happened in the sheds that required his attention.
    Yesterday he hadn’t left her side all afternoon. His cellar door manager, Noelene, hadn’t turned up. She’d sent a late text to say she had an abscess and would need another day at home. There was a friend, Ben, who helped out but he couldn’t come either and their office manager was away sick. With nothing else to do Taylor had offered to stay and help in the cellar door again.
    She didn’t understand half of what Peter said but he was obviously passionate about his wine. Observing him, working alongside him, listening to him talk to customers – it had all piqued her interest. She was actually enjoying the experience.
    They’d been busy for a couple of hours but it was late afternoon and the cellar door had been empty for a while. This group would probably be the last for the day.
    Taylor glanced at the typed sheet she had on her side of the bar. Just use the tasting notes Peter had said. That’s how the others who worked in the cellar door learned. She hoped she could sell some wine without his help. She looked up and smiled as the men came in.
    â€œWelcome, gentlemen,” she said. “Are you all tasting today?”
    â€œWe have a meeting.” The first man through the door spoke for them all. He was tall with gingery hair and freckles on his pale face, a sharp contrast to the other two who were shorter and of Chineseorigin. They were neatly dressed in suits, like businessmen.
    Taylor looked back at the tall man. Did he mean they were having a meeting here or in a hurry to go to a meeting?
    â€œWhere is Mr Starr?” he asked.
    â€œHe’s been called away,” she said.
    The tall man looked at the first Chinese man who turned to the other and spoke in what Taylor assumed was Chinese.
    There was a quick exchange and then the first Chinese man spoke to her. “I am Mr Cheng. This is Mr Zhu.” The man beside him gave a deep nod. “Mr Zhu has a meeting with Mr Starr at four o’clock.”
    Taylor glanced at the clock on the wall. They got that part right. Peter hadn’t mentioned it but then he hadn’t expected to leave her on her own. She flicked a look behind her. There was no help there. She didn’t want to jeopardise any meeting Peter may have arranged. She took a calming breath.
    â€œMr Starr had to step out for a moment. Something happened in the winery he had to sort out. He should be back soon.” She hoped she was right. “Perhaps we could start the tasting while you wait?”
    The two Chinese men nodded and smiled. Taylor set up three glasses on the bar.
    â€œWould you like to start with the whites?” she asked.
    â€œWe prefer the reds,” the tall man said. He hadn’t introduced himself.
    Mr Cheng spoke to Mr Zhu who nodded.
    â€œWe will begin with the whites,” Mr Cheng said firmly, ignoring the man on his other side.
    Taylor took a bottle of riesling from the fridge. She noticed a slight tremor of her hand. How ridiculous. She could nail this. She glanced at the tasting notes, took a deep breath and began to speak as she poured.
    â€œThis riesling has aromas of citrus blossom and lemon zest.” She glanced back at the notes.

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