Between the Vines

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Book: Between the Vines by Tricia Stringer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tricia Stringer
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guy said to Mr Cheng.
    There was a clatter behind her and Peter burst into the room. His face was sweaty and he was puffing slightly as if he’d been running. His shirt was streaked with red.
    â€œWelcome back,” Taylor said with a smile. “Your guests havebeen waiting a while.”
    Peter looked at the two Chinese men on the other side of the bar and then to their companion as he came back through the door.
    â€œThis is Mr Starr,” Taylor said.
    â€œAbout time,” murmured the tall guy.
    â€œVery pleased to meet you,” Mr Cheng said. “May I introduce the head of Zhu Trading, Mr Zhu.”
    Taylor noticed Peter wipe his red-stained hand down his jeans before he extended it over the counter. “Peter Starr,” he said. “How can I help you?”
    â€œNo, no.” Mr Cheng shook his head vigorously. “We have a meeting with Mr Edward Starr.”
    Taylor stared at Peter who opened and closed his mouth.
    â€œEdward’s not here,” he said.
    Mr Cheng began speaking to Mr Zhu in Chinese.
    â€œWhat time do you expect him back?” tall guy asked.
    â€œAnd you are?” Peter said.
    â€œFrank Lister.” He stood up straight, making him a head taller than Peter. “I don’t know what kind of show your brother runs but Mr Zhu had a meeting with him at four pm today. We’ve driven from Melbourne especially and we have to drive back tonight so that Mr Zhu can catch his flight tomorrow morning.”
    â€œLook, are you sure the meeting was to take place here?” Peter asked.
    â€œWhere is Mr Edward Starr?” Mr Cheng cut in. His voice was low but firm.
    â€œWell that’s just it. I’m fairly sure he’s in Melbourne for a meeting. I don’t know who with but–”
    Lister cut Peter off with a muttered burst of expletives.
    A pained expression crossed Mr Cheng’s face. He took a deep breath then pulled a thin smile to his lips and looked from Peter to Taylor. “There seems to be a mistake,” he said slowly and clearly. “I myself rang last week and spoke to the young woman.” Henodded at Taylor then turned back to Peter. “I told her Mr Zhu had found time to visit the winery in person. Instead of meeting Mr Starr in Melbourne we were to meet here.” He looked pointedly at Taylor.
    She shook her head. “It wasn’t me.”
    â€œTaylor has only been here two days.” Peter defended her. “You must have spoken to someone else and the message wasn’t passed on. What were you meeting Edward about? He is the business manager but I am his brother and the winemaker here. Perhaps I can help?”
    Mr Cheng spoke to Mr Zhu and there were a lot of short words exchanged back and forth and head shaking before he turned back to Peter.
    â€œI am sorry but Mr Zhu’s business is only with Mr Edward Starr.”
    Pete pulled his mobile from his pocket. “I could try ringing him.”
    Once more Mr Cheng spoke to Mr Zhu. Mr Zhu shook his head emphatically.
    â€œThat won’t be necessary,” Mr Cheng said. “It was meant to be a meeting in person. We thank you for your hospitality, Miss Taylor.” Both Chinese men inclined their heads to her. Taylor fought the urge to laugh.
    Mr Cheng turned back to Peter. “We enjoyed your wine very much. You are a very good winemaker. Now we must go.” Both men inclined their heads again and turned on their heels.
    Lister leaned over the bar and spoke in a low voice to Peter. “Bad luck about your brother but good job with the last red.”
    â€œLast red?” Peter said to Lister’s back as he let himself out. He turned to Taylor. “Was that the shiraz or the cab sauv?”
    She chewed her bottom lip as she took in his puzzled expression. “Neither,” she said.
    He frowned.
    â€œI hope I haven’t done the wrong thing.” She held up the reserve bottle she’d

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