Better with Ben (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 3)

Better with Ben (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 3) by Casey McMillin Page B

Book: Better with Ben (How to Tame a Heartbreaker Book 3) by Casey McMillin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Casey McMillin
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just came by to see how the rest of your night went last night."
    I had a good night for the first time in a week because I could do nothing but remember what you did to me in your truck , was what she thought but didn't say out loud, thank God.
    "I slept great, thanks to that Benadryl I took." She gave him a cheesy smile, waiting for him to get her joke.
    His face broke into a grin when he understood she was talking about him. "That wasn't my drill, though, sweetheart," he said.
    Sure, he was only continuing the joke, but the image it brought to Taylor's mind made a rush of hot blood make its way to her cheeks. She tried to distract him. "Hey, I'll be back in three minutes," she said to Michael. He knew she wouldn't leave if the dishes were out of hand, so he gave her a smile and nod. She turned to Ben and motioned for him to follow her. "I'll walk you out."
    He reached in front of her and opened the door for her to walk through. It was a chilly morning and he noticed she didn't have a coat. "We can just hang for a minute inside if you're too cold to walk me out… or you can take my coat." He had on a casual but sleek black hoodie with dark pants. He had great taste in clothes and looked sharp for his trip. She wanted to take his coat just for the sheer sake of having it, and not give it back, but she wasn't going to make him take it off for three minutes.
    "It's not that cold," she said. "Plus I could use the fresh air." They continued to talk as they walked. "So, when will you be back?" She meant it as a way to make general conversation, but after she said it, she realized that kind of question might scare him a little.
    "I'll be back Friday," he said.
    The deck was deserted aside from a couple of girls sitting at the far end having a cigarette. They recognized Taylor and waved. She returned the wave and gave them a big smile. Ben loved her smile. He also loved that everyone around there apparently knew and liked her.
    She turned around, looking for his truck. "Are you on the street or in the alley?" she asked.
    "I'm right over there." He pointed to his truck. It was parked about a block away. "But you don't have to walk me over there. I just came by to check on you."
    "I'm fine," she said, slightly concerned that he might think she was fragile or something. "I'm glad you stopped by, though."
    "I'll call you when I get back," he said.
    Before she had time to answer, he used a crooked finger to lift her chin. He stepped closer so they were touching. One second they weren't kissing, and then the next second they were. It was just an easy peck to the lips, but it was so sweet and tender it made a rush of warmth hit her between the legs. His mouth was so perfect, and she never ever wanted to stop kissing it. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought about the girls on the porch who were watching. However, that thought was so fleeting and irrelevant compared to Ben's lips on hers that she chose to let it just drift out of her brain.
    Her eyes remained open, and she enjoyed the experience of kissing him in broad daylight. His light brown eyes were flecked with gold and green with a dark brown ring around the edge. She only had a few seconds to fall into their depths because the kiss, although amazing, had to be short. It wasn't like he could sit there and make out with her on the deck.
    He pulled back before deciding to place one last quick kiss on her lips. "I'll call you when I get back," he repeated.
    "Okay," she said. She was so giddy from the kiss that she felt like her smile was borderline goofy. She forced her face back into a somewhat serious expression. "Sounds good," she said. "Thanks for stopping by."
    "Thanks for walking me out." Without another word, he turned to walk away.
    "Is that your boyfriend?" one of the girls on the other side of the porch asked as Taylor walked in the door. Taylor looked to make sure Ben was out of earshot.
    "No," she said. Then she felt stupid for kissing a random person. "We hung out

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