Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2)

Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie Page B

Book: Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Guthrie
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sheets over my head and groaned when I remembered I had to go to work. But it was Friday, and Daniel was taking me away for a romantic retreat! I squealed and threw the covers back, doing a little happy dance in the bed. A three-hour shift, a test which I had studied my ass off for, a tutorial—with Daniel, and therefore not a chore at all—and then off to paradise. TGIF .
    I stretched and yawned as I scrolled through my phone messages. Julie had sent me a text.
    You’ll NEVER believe what Jer and I are doing
this weekend. Can’t wait to talk to you! -J
    I smiled. Those Grant boys sure knew how to make their women spin. I typed out a quick reply.
    Can’t wait to hear all about it, bun-head.
See you in a few…-A
    Next, I opened my Yahoo account. There was an email from someone I’d never heard of named Jung Willman. I considered deleting it, but I opened it to scan the contents, just in case. And thank goodness I did because it was one of the most amazing emails I’d ever received.
From: Jung Willman
To: Aubrey Price
Sent: Fri, Mar 20, 6:37:06 AM
Subject: Almost definitely…
Good morning, my lovely. I’m sure you’re surprised to hear from me like this. I’ve had your email address since the course began, but you must be wondering what my pseudonym is all about. Last year I got rid of all social media accounts that would allow Nicola to contact me using my real name. I created this one, and only my best friends know the address. I didn’t think it was advisable to use my university email to send you this message. I’m sure you understand.
I’ve been wide awake since five a.m., and I don’t know what to do with myself. (I know exactly what you’re thinking, by the way—always straight to the gutter.) After lying in bed for an hour thinking about you, I had to get up and write. I hope you don’t mind that I’m emailing you rather than writing to my flash drive.
I can’t wait to take you away from Toronto, away from prying eyes, away from the obstacles keeping us apart. I know we’ll enjoy sharing some quality time, and I want to treat you to some much-deserved fun.
I don’t think you understand how much I admire your work ethic. I wish there was something I could do to ease the burden of responsibility in your life. I’m amazed at how prepared you are to meet challenges with so little support from your parents. I’m in awe of your strength.
I’m counting the minutes until we’re alone again. I hope you’re excited, too. You sounded a little more enthusiastic when we spoke on the phone after your shopping trip. I can’t stop thinking about how sexy your dress sounds.
Tonight we’ll go out for dinner and drinks. Then afterward we’ll curl up in bed and watch a movie. I can’t wait to kiss you and fall asleep with you in my arms. I’m even looking forward to you drooling on me!
Tomorrow we’ll go skiing, and then when we get back to the chalet we’ll sit in front of the fire and drink hot chocolate with Bailey’s. Winter’s great, right?
I wish you could see the smile on my face as I write this. Even Sisyphus can’t ruin my mood. I suppose I shouldn’t hold you up any longer—you have to get to work.
I’ll see you in a few hours. Until then, please know that on a scale of “maybe” to “definitely,” I’m getting awfully close to the latter.
Your sailor,-D
P.S. Please pack some very conservative PJs and make sure they’re warm. I’ll be leaving a window open tonight. Pajamas must stay on! Having said that, I’m stoked to see you in that bikini.
    I had to read the whole thing twice, afraid I’d missed something important the first time as I’d scrolled through it quickly. This email—it epitomized Daniel. His confession about trying to hide from Nicola after her betrayal was poignant and distressing, but then the tone of the email changed as he regained his playful flirtatiousness and took great pains to communicate his feelings. I didn’t have a hell of a lot of time, but

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