Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2)

Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie Page A

Book: Better Deeds Than Words (Words#2) by Georgina Guthrie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgina Guthrie
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hard-wired into my DNA.”
    “Do your best. For me?”
    I sighed. “Okay.”
    “So, um, what do you think about swimming up at Taboo, or at least checking out the hot tub?”
    “I’d say that sounds pretty damn appealing, sweet knees.”
    “I was hoping you’d say that. Do you have a bikini?” he asked.
    “I’ll add it to the shopping list.”
    He cast his eyes downward, moaning quietly.
    “You okay?” I whispered.
    “Yeah, just desperately trying not to get a visual.”
    I couldn’t help laughing. “So, how’s business been this week, anyway? Lots of jobs on the go?”
    “Oh, you have no idea the number of jobs I’ve had to do all by myself. I’m seriously considering hiring some help. You know, a right-hand gal. Can you think of anyone who might be interested?”
    “What if she’s left-handed?” I asked.
    “Nope. She has to be right-handed. Part of the terms of service .”
    “Well, I happen to meet that particular condition. Do you suppose I should apply?”
    “I don’t know. When can you start?”
    “How does tomorrow sound?”
    Now it was his turn to laugh. “Aubrey, you’re a corker, you know that?”
    “I’m going to choose to be flattered by that comment.”
    “As you should be.”
    “Good. I’m sorry, Daniel, but I really have to get going.”
    “Yeah, me too. I need to get the oil changed—in the car,” he added, shaking his head self-consciously. “Patty. Jesus.”
    I smiled. Neither one of us moved.
    He licked his lips meditatively. “I really wish I could kiss you right now.”
    I stared longingly at his mouth. “I wish you could too.”
    The air between us crackled.
    Daniel sighed, breaking the tension. “You have a class to get to.”
    I nodded reluctantly.
    “I’ll call you tonight,” he said. “You can tell me all about your shopping trip.”
    I stepped backward reluctantly. He leaned against the shelf, his hand in his pocket as I left. When I turned to look back at him, he flashed his lovely dimpled smile, and I grinned before hefting my knapsack higher on my back and finally escaping into the crisp afternoon air.

    I’d never have thought I’d be able to shelve my frugal tendencies and treat myself to a frivolous spending spree, but women obviously have an innate talent for shopping, because several hours later, I was back at Jackman, packing a sexy dress, fantastic new shoes, and a killer bikini in my small suitcase with everything else I thought I might need for an overnight stay up north with Daniel.
    Taboo . The irony of the resort’s name didn’t escape me.
    After packing, I studied for the following day’s test and waited for Daniel’s good-night phone call. I was glad I took the time to read through my notes because I stumbled across a word I couldn’t even remember writing down.
    What the hell did that mean? Apparently I’d been daydreaming about Daniel during that lecture. I flipped back and forth a few pages, and then I found the definition and an example:
    Apocryphal - Authorship of doubtful origin. For example, Hecate’s speech in Macbeth, possibly not attributable to Shakespeare: Excerpt from speech:
    “ all know, security is mortals’ chiefest enemy.”
    Wow, I really didn’t remember writing that. I threw myself into studying with renewed vigor. Obviously I wasn’t as comfortable with the course content as I’d initially believed. I continued to read through my lecture notes and didn’t give the meaning behind the excerpt from Hecate’s speech another thought.
    In retrospect, I suppose I should have. Whoever had written those words was very wise indeed.

Chapter 9
    Accidental Things
    But all these poor forbiddings could not stay him;
He in the worst sense construes their denial:
The doors, the wind, the glove, that did delay him,
He takes for accidental things of trial…
( The Rape of Lucrece )
    F RIDAY M ORNING , I W OKE U P with that strange feeling I got when I wasn’t sure what day it was. I pulled the

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