Betrayed: Dark beginnings

Betrayed: Dark beginnings by Rebecca Weeks

Book: Betrayed: Dark beginnings by Rebecca Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Weeks
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trust. She kissed him back, his lips felt unfamiliar to her. It didn’t feel arousing or nice to her, just strange. He seemed to be enjoying himself however.
    chapter eighteen
    They stepped into Lorcans range rover; Cecile fastened her seatbelt as he sped off.
    Elizabeth slumped into her seat and looked out of the window, watching the memories of Jordan fly past.  How did this happen? She thought. She had considered running, but where could she go, especially now that he has Cecile.
    She hadn’t spoken to Cecile yet, mainly because she didn’t know what to say to her. She felt Cecile’s hand squeeze her shoulder in support. Elizabeth relaxed a little and looked to Lorcan as he concentrated on the road. Lorcan was silent throughout the journey, they all were.
    They stopped a few times for toilet breaks and food. He put a spell on Elizabeth that prevented her from running. She could not go more than twenty foot from him. She thought about shouting to the humans at the service station for help, but what could they do? Lorcan would kill them all instantly.
    There was no one who could save her. She felt so alone. She thought of Jordan and how he would have tried to save her, to protect her, if she had not killed him that is.
    She sat quietly and smiled at Lorcan. She knew she needed to play her part better. She looked over to Cecile. Cecile had barely touched her food, but instead stared longingly to the people walking around the room, eating their food, drinking their coffee. They were both thinking it. They should have just run when they had a chance and left everything behind.
    They climbed back into the range rover. Elizabeth rested her head against the window; the vibrations numbed her thoughts momentarily. Cecile did her best to keep her eyes open as she watched the trees whisk past. They drove for hours. Elizabeth was exhausted and kept dozing off, until a bump woke her up. They reached Edinburgh after dark. They pulled up to the gates of the mansion.
    Elizabeth and Cecile sat up to get a close look. It was massive, and handsome. Elizabeth had heard of it before; it’s where Lorcan’s coven lives, they practice there. They were one of the more well-known covens. Most say they are the only coven in England, but everyone forgets about the one in Cornwall.
    Lorcan was never high up in the coven, just another warlock. The iron gates opened and he drove to the front of the house, around the gold fountain. He stopped the range rover and opened the door for Elizabeth.
    She stepped out on to the gravel and helped Cecile out. They left their bags behind and followed Lorcan as he strode through the front door. Elizabeth looked to Cecile nervously as she bit at her nails. The men and women stared at them as they followed Lorcan up the marble staircase. They had reached a gigantic hall; the walls were stone, and the ceilings were abnormally high.
    There were two chairs at the back of the hall with four steps leading up to them. On them sat a man and a woman, easily in their sixty’s.
    They stood up when they entered and stared at Elizabeth and Cecile anxiously.
    “Lorcan, what is this?” The man gestured to Elizabeth and Cecile. Lorcan smiled cunningly.
    “I’m going to have to ask you to step down Tokala. I am the ruler of all the creatures now.” The old couple laughed and sat back down.
    “And what makes you think you can do that?” They looked amused. Lorcan raised his hands, and they rose off the ground. They attempted to cast spells, but they couldn’t. They were frightened.
    “WHAT MAGIC IS THIS?” The old man shouted.
    “I will break both of your necks unless you agree. I have more power than you have ever known, and a vampire for a fiancée. Step down, or I will kill you both.” He stared at them venomously.
    Fiancée, since when? I had never agreed to this, Elizabeth thought. She looked frantically to Cecile who shrugged. This had happened so

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