Betrayed: Dark beginnings

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Book: Betrayed: Dark beginnings by Rebecca Weeks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Weeks
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air and laughed.
    “Again, I will kill you all here and now. You can either bow to me and accept me as your leader, or die.”
    He dropped them all to the floor; they looked at him and knelt on the ground, and bowed.
    “Good, that’s better. Now friends, I have a task for you. You need to gather all of your friends and family to the house. I want every warlock and witch in existence in this house by tomorrow. So please go and get them, and if you decide to run, then I will hunt you and kill you. Do you understand?” They all agreed and headed out of the door, whispering to each other as they walked down the staircase. The sound of their quiet sobbing echoed in their ears.
    “Now Elizabeth, let me show you to your room.” He put his arm around her waist. She had to admit that it was comforting to know that out of everyone, he chose only her to care about. He loved only her, and she felt superior. She knew it was selfish, but she couldn’t help it, it felt nice. So she followed him eagerly to her quarters.
    He opened up the double doors, and she stood there with her mouth opened. The room was beautiful. It had a four post bed, with golden drapes. The bed was covered in someone else’s clothes. She looked at the unattractive patterned bed set, and decided that would be the first thing to go. The dressing table was huge, made of oak, with a long mirror encased in white marble.
    The wardrobe reached across the entirety of the far wall and had full length mirrors going down. This room was one of the grandest she had ever seen, yes fit for a queen. Lorcan closed the door behind her, and she looked around. She needed to clear all the clothes and pictures out of the room. She looked closely at the pictures, and they were of a woman; young and quite pretty with a strong looking man.
    She quickly realized these are old pictures of the now deceased former rulers that Lorcan had killed. She sat down on the bed, pushing the clothes on the floor, and laid back. She needed to let this all sink in. Ok, so she had lost Jordan, he is now dead because of her.
    And she is now bound to spend eternity with the now immortal all powerful Lorcan, who she now knows has always been in love with her. Cecile is still human and is bound to die soon from old age, and does not want to be immortal.
    She looked around and decided she liked it here and may even enjoy being a queen of a sort. But she didn’t want to marry him; she doesn’t love him, even if her life would be good with him. She thought of Jordan, and she wished he was here.
    She began to weep into the pillow. She wasn’t sure why she felt so strongly towards Jordan. After all she had only spent a short time with him, but she missed him terribly.
    Elizabeth could hear men’s voices coming from outside her door. She wiped the tears from her face and walked to over to the door. She hovered there and listened to the men talking. They were speaking in Egyptian, which strangely enough was one of the few languages Elizabeth didn’t know.
    She opened the swung open the door and saw two men, one stood by each side. She guessed Lorcan had placed them there to keep a watch over her, pathetic, she thought. He does not trust me at all, she thought. To be fair he has a good reason, she’s not the most loyal person. The men stopped talking when they saw her and stared down to Elizabeth, making her uncomfortable.
    “I’m going to go and find Lorcan.” She said sternly. She wasn’t sure if they understood her, but they nodded their heads anyway.  One pushed out his hand in front of her stopping her from going any further.
    “LET  ... ME... OUT!” she screamed, but there was some sort of shield on the door, it wouldn’t let her leave. In fact, it was the same as the shield that prevented her from saving Jordan that night.
    She quickly realized. How had she not seen it before? It was the shield preventing her from saving Jordan that night; it was Lorcan. She could feel the hatred bubble inside

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