Bethy's Heart's Hideout (Amish Circle Series Book 4)

Bethy's Heart's Hideout (Amish Circle Series Book 4) by Esther Weaver

Book: Bethy's Heart's Hideout (Amish Circle Series Book 4) by Esther Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Esther Weaver
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Chapter 1
    Elizabeth looked around the store, trying to decide what she wanted her next task to be. There was always so much to do, from folding and tidying the displays to making sure everything was priced and arranged properly. Sometimes they would get a bunch of new items in and she would have to make sure that they were sorted, priced correctly and arranged in a way that would make people want to buy them.
    Sometimes it felt like the cleaning and tidying was never ending. The store was always busy with a steady stream of tourists and other local Englisch individuals who loved the beauty of the items that members of the Ordnung created. Her community was particularly known for the beauty of the cloth items that they sold although the wooden furniture also sold quite well too. Because of this, it was not uncommon for people to be constantly walking through the store, touching and moving items that then needed to be tidied up and put away neatly.
    The rest of her familye had left for the day but Elizabeth didn’t really mind. Her Maemm was at home, getting supper ready and her Daedd had also left early. He had already helped bring in a couple of orders from some of the people who made items for the store and it wasn’t likely that she would need help moving any large, heavy objects. Because it was just the end of the day tidying up, Elizabeth was happy to do the work herself. It gave her time to think. These days, it seemed like Elizabeth had a lot of things to think about.
    She heard the door chime and looked up just in time to see her friend Hannah Sutter entering the store. Hannah was one of Elizabeth’s oldest and dearest friends. The girls had known each other the entire time they were growing up. Elizabeth was happy to see Hannah looking so healthy. Her friend had fought hard to overcome illness but Gott had seen fit to help her recover and Hannah had been getting better and stronger day by day.
    Hannah looked radiantly happy and seemed like she was dying to tell Elizabeth some important news. While Elizabeth was overjoyed to see her friend looking so healthy and happy, she felt fairly sure what her friend was about to tell her. Hannah bounded over to Elizabeth, her kapp falling back off of her head so that it dangled behind her. Hannah seized Elizabeth by the shoulders and whirled her around in a circle until both girls were breathless.
    “ Ach Elizabeth! You’re the first person I have told! It’s so wunderbaar ! Elizabeth, Luke has asked me to marry him! I said jah ! Ach , Elizabeth, I’m getting married and I’m so happy!” A delighted laugh burst forth from Hannah’s throat and she looked positively radiant. She gazed at her oldest and dearest friend, expecting to see a similarly happy look on Elizabeth’s face. What Hannah saw made her laugh still in her throat and her face fall, just a little.
    Elizabeth felt the first twisting pangs of envy in her stomach. She felt so horrible about it too. Here was her friend, a girl who had been so sick for so long, being asked to wed by the man she adored. Elizabeth tried hard to muster up a smile but it fell flat. While she was very happy for her friend, she just couldn’t shake her disappointment.
    “What’s wrong, Elizabeth? Aren’t you happy for Luke and I?” Hannah’s heart fell a little too. Here was her dearest friend sitting before her, clearly upset about something. Hannah was happy but she wanted to make sure that her friend was happy as well. “Please tell me what’s bothering you? Don’t you like Luke?”
    “Of course I like Luke! He’s wunderbaar . I see how happy he makes you and he is a truly wunderbaar person. He is going to be a fantastic mann for you and I know that you and he will be perfect for one another. Please, please, don’t think I’m not happy for you! Ach, Hannah, I’m so happy for you, I am. It’s just that...” her voice trailed off as she tried to explain what was upsetting her. “I just feel like everyone else is

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