Best Friend's Brother

Best Friend's Brother by Alycia Taylor

Book: Best Friend's Brother by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
Friend’s Brother

Alycia Taylor
2015. All rights reserved.

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    You know those moments in life when you think: I’m
always going to remember where I was and what I was doing when this happened?
Today was going to be that day for me. It started out normally. The alarm on my
phone was screaming at me at seven a.m. and I spent at least a full minute
banging on it before I found the button to silence it. I would have done
better, had I opened my eyes, but I knew that the room would be filled with
light. I could feel it already pressing down against my eyelids. I’d forgotten to
close the blinds last night. Not a big deal at night, really. My dorm room is
on the third floor and it doesn’t face anything but some old basketball courts
that no one uses any longer. But in the morning, it’s a different story. I hate
mornings and until about ten a.m., I curse the appearance of the sun. While I
laid there and tried to think of a logical excuse for not getting out of bed,
my alarm started screeching again.
    I slapped it and opened my eyes. I squinted in the
bright sun as I sat up and decided then and there that closing the blind would
have to be part of my nightly routine no matter how I was feeling. I opened the
nightstand drawer next to the bed and pulled out a black kami and matching
panties. It wasn’t like anyone was going to see them, but I always worried that
I’d be involved in some kind of accident and when they took my body to the
hospital the first thing the nurses and doctors would say was: Her underwear
doesn’t match. Stupid, I know…but it makes me feel better.
    I stood under the warm spray of the shower for too
long. I hadn’t been feeling very well and the steam helped open everything up
so I could breathe. By the time I got out of the shower, I had to hurry and my
long, red hair was going to have to go into a ponytail or a braid because there
was no way I had time to dry and straighten it. I decided on a braid and then I
put on a tiny bit of foundation and some mascara so my light red eyelashes
weren’t completely invisible. I slipped on my jeans and then my pink Fox
t-shirt last. My shoes and book bag were by the door and as I slipped them on I
grabbed a cereal bar off the desk. I wasn’t going to have time for breakfast
and I didn’t want my stomach growling in the auditorium where it would echo
across the room. Finally ready to go, I dashed out the door.
    The first thing I noticed when I stepped out into
the hallway was that it was too quiet. This dorm houses over a hundred and
fifty college-aged women. It was never quiet. I would have asked someone what
was going on, but there didn’t even seem to be anyone around. Hopefully I
didn’t sleep through the zombie apocalypse. I was sleeping pretty hard last
night. I felt like crap and on top of that I have a test today that I studied
for until the wee hours of the morning. I better pass because I gave up two
things that I love for it…sleep and a night out with my best friend.
    I finally saw signs of life when I hit the ground
floor. No zombies, but a lot of gloomy looking people. I saw a girl I know
named Maddie and said, “Hey! What’s going on? Why does everyone look like their
dog just died?”
    Maddie said, “I’m not sure what happened exactly but
there was a report on the news this morning that a girl was killed in a car
accident. They didn’t have any details yet, but they found a student ID in the
car and they think she may have been a student here.”
    “They didn’t give her name?” I don’t know why, but a
sudden surge of panic forced itself into my chest.
    “No they wouldn’t say yet. The news said the name

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