Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors by Ashelyn Drake

Book: Behind Closed Doors by Ashelyn Drake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ashelyn Drake
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Behind Closed Doors (Campus Crush #2)
    Chapter One
    Love makes people do stupid things.
    The penne ala Vodka threatening to come back up as Noelle and Andy cuddle across the booth from me is proof of that. But after spending the entire summer watching them be all lovey dovey, I’ve had my fill. This summer was supposed to be about my best friend and me settling into college and dating some hot guys— dating , not getting into a serious relationship with them—but Noelle’s been attached to Andy to the point where I barely see her and when I do, Andy’s always with us. If I’ve learned anything from watching her with Andy, it’s that the stupidest thing love makes you do is want it—crave it. I’m dying to be a fool in love. I want the kind of relationship Noelle and Andy have.
    “So, Julia, who’s the lucky guy going to be?” Noelle asks as Andy continues to kiss the spot just below her ear. God, I wish I’d find a guy to do that to me. Besides Andy’s R.A. friend, Mike, I haven’t kissed anyone since I graduated high school.
    I look around the restaurant, scanning the bartender and then the bus boys. The bartender is way too old, probably in his late thirties, but one of the bus boys is promising. I’ve never dated a guy with any piercings before, and I’m kind of digging his eyebrow ring. “Maybe.” I shrug a shoulder and sip my Mountain Dew.
    Noelle’s eyes rise to the door, and a smile spreads across her lips. I know that look. She’s in full-on scheming mode, something she learned from me. “Now he is exactly your type.” She stretches out the word “exactly” and her voice squeaks with excitement.
    I casually turn my head, as if I’m bored with the conversation at my table and am just checking out the place, and my eyes land on him. All, what has to be, six feet of him. My gaze lingers on his sculpted chest. If he’s not a weightlifter, I’ll be surprised. He shoves his hands into his pockets as he talks to the hostess, and his biceps bulge, making my stomach do a little flip. His dark hair is cut short and styled perfectly—messy in a sexy way that’s meant to give the “just got out of bed” look. He turns and follows the hostess to an empty table for two right next to our booth, and I see his eyes. They’re hazel, the perfect combination of green and brown.
    “You’re starting to drool,” Noelle whispers, leaning across the table so the object of my attraction doesn’t overhear.
    I take her advice and avert my eyes, but I can’t turn away for long because the waitress walks over and I hear her say his name.
    “Hey, Darren. Grabbing a bite before your shift?” She sets a glass of Coke on the table in front of him. He must be a regular if she knows his name and what he drinks.
    “Yeah. Pathetic, I know, eating here when I’m going to be spending the next six hours serving drinks in this place, but what can I say?” He smiles, and my eyes lower to his lips, which are full and kissable.
    Noelle kicks me under the table. “Way to be obvious.”
    “Yeah, you might want to tone it down a little,” Andy says. “With the way you just licked your lips, you look like you’re going to pounce.”
    I like Andy, but right now I want to smack him. He’s not exactly being quiet, and Darren turns in our direction. I take another forkful of penne and hold it up. “What can I say? The pasta is just that good.” I glare at Andy, conveying just how annoyed I am that he got Darren’s attention. Hopefully Darren will buy my line about the food.
    Andy nods apologetically. “Yeah, the food here is really good.”
    Noelle smiles at him like he’s the cutest thing ever, which she tells me all the time. Saying I’m jealous of their relationship is an understatement. I never thought I wanted that, but seeing how happy they are, I do. It’s disgusting to watch other people act so cutesy and in love, but I’m dying to make other people watch me

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