Before I Break

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Book: Before I Break by Portia Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Portia Moore
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utilization of the time I’m making available to you.” He glances at his watch. “Which you have about five minutes left of.”
                  “Why does he exist?” I say pointedly.
                  “That’s a better question for your psychiatrist,” he says, his smug grin back.
                  “What did he do for your company?” I say tightly.
                  “Confidentially agreement, “he retorts, and I realize he’s not here to help me. He thinks this is a game.
                  “Which he signed with a fake name,” I yell.
                  “I can assure you all documentation is legitimate,” he says with a smarmy grin on his face, cupping the now empty glass in his hands.
    “ It’s also conducive for you to know that the marriage certificate he signed was not fraudulent either,” he replies back calmly. I let out several deep breaths and look at the man who over a decade ago I considered my closest friend, a big brother. Now I can’t even call a casual acquaintance.
                  “Why did you help him?” I ask.
                  “Because I have your best interest at heart,” he says simply. I lean forward to make sure he gets what I’m about to say.
                  “Cal may not know you, but I know you. You don’t do anything if it’s not in your own best interest,” I say in between gritted teeth. He sighs.
                  “You met Lauren today didn’t you? She’s quite stunning isn’t she?” he asks, and I feel my eyes start to squint.
                  “Don’t you think it would be easier just to settle back into Cal’s life? Beautiful wife, adorable child, great apartment in one of my buildings.” He laughs, fixing himself a drink.
                  “It’s not my life, Dex! What don’t you get about that?” He glances away from me momentarily. Then he stares back at me blankly.
                  “You can’t marry Jenna, Chris,” he says abruptly, and my eyes almost bulge out of my head.
                  “I’m marrying Jenna.” I say pointedly, adding a disbelieving laugh. The fact that Jenna hasn’t answered my calls and isn’t even talking to me is a moot point, but he doesn’t know that.
                  “That’s not something Cal will take lightly,” he says with a smug grin on his face, amused. He’s amused at all of this.
                  “Do you think I care what he’ll take lightly? That I care about anything he wants?!”I ask angrily. He nods his head.
                  “Do you think I’m happy about how screwed up my life is right now?!”I shout.
                  “You’re here,” he says calmly.
                  “Right. I’m here. He’s not. I don’t give a damn about what he thinks. He left me here to fix his mess,” I say in disbelief. How can he can look at me with a straight face and tell me what this jerk off won’t take lightly.
                  “What happens when that changes?” he says casually, and my stomach sinks.
                  “You’re here, at the moment . Do you think Cal is going to react well if you leave the woman he loves and his child to marry another woman he can’t stand?” he laughs gruffly. That’s my fear, the reason why I haven’t showed up at Jenna’s house and begged her to forgive me. I really don’t know what this man is capable of, but I don’t need Dexter to know what my fear is.
                  “I’ll take care of Caylen, not because of what he wants but because it’s the right thing to do, because she shares my DNA,” I assert.
                  “And how do you know he can’t stand Jenna?” I ask in shock. He lets out another deep sigh and pours himself another drink.
                  “You and I

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