Becoming Lady Lockwood
been mended, preparing to return them to the hold for storage.
    The bell rang for the first dogwatch, and Amelia bid Tobias good evening as she turned to go to supper.
    “If you don’t mind, Miss Amelia, I wanted to speak to you for a moment.”
    “Of course, Tobias.”
    “Since today’s your natal day, miss, I’ve a small gift. Nothing grand, mind you.” He handed her a folded piece of sail linen.
    She looked at him as she took it and then, upon opening it, gasped in delight at the image that had been stitched onto the heavy fabric: A dolphin leaping above blue waves. She was touched by the gift. Not only because Tobias had remembered her birthday but because she realized that it must have taken him hours to create. “It’s beautiful. Thank you, Tobias. I had quite forgotten that today is my birthday.”
    “I’m glad you like it, Miss Amelia. You’re a right clever girl, and I feel pleased to call you a friend. Many happy returns.” He bowed his head quickly and hurried away.
    Amelia walked down the companionway to her room. She lit the lantern and studied the embroidery on the scrap of fabric more closely. It was truly remarkable. To think that Tobias had spent his precious spare time creating this for her stirred tender feelings in her heart. She was indeed fortunate to have made such dear friends aboard the HMS Venture.
    She opened her trunk, laid the gift carefully inside, and retrieved her thin shawl, wrapping it around her shoulders. Her feet were quite chilled, and she donned stockings and slippers, which felt strange and constricting, as she’d not worn anything on her feet for weeks. When she stepped outside, she handed the lantern to Corporal Ashworth. Fire was regulated closely on board the ship, and it was potentially disastrous to leave a candle burning unattended. She made her way to the wardroom with a smile as she thought on the kindness of her friend.
    The dinner meal was pleasant. The officers did not seem to feel the chill in the air as keenly as she did, as most of them had taken their regimental coats off and wore only their white cotton shirts.
    Sidney sat on one side of her, with Dr. Spinner on the other, and she found herself laughing at their conversation and listening with interest at the stories they and the other officers told.
    When the meal ended, Amelia began to stand, but Sidney placed his hand on her arm.
    “You’ll not want to leave just yet, Amelia.”
    She raised her eyebrows and moved her mouth to inquire as to why, when Slushy entered, limping into the room with a large Jamaican ginger cake. He set it on the table in front of her, and the officers cheered.
    One of the midshipmen—Sergeant Fairchild—was admitted into the wardroom. He produced a fiddle and began to play.
    “And a happy natal day to ya, miss,” Slushy said as he began cutting slices of the cake, placing them upon wooden dishes, and passing them around the table.
    Amelia was astounded. “Thank you,” she said when she had found her voice. She felt a prickling behind her eyes and blinked rapidly. She took a bite of cake. “Delicious, Slushy. Just like home.”
    Slushy tipped his hat. The men applauded and called out well-wishes.
    When they had finished their cake, Sidney led Amelia to the far side of the room. Officers lifted the large plank of wood that was used for the table, turned it on to its side, and leaned it against one of the bulkheads. The rest of the chairs were lined up around the edges of the room between the cannons.
    “What is this, Sidney?” Amelia asked.
    “The men and I decided that for your birthday, we would throw a ball. You’d not want to celebrate your natal day without a dance or two, would you?”
    Amelia raised an eyebrow. “A ball with only one woman in attendance? I wonder if I should be able to fill my dance card.”
    Sidney laughed, and Amelia realized that he was indeed serious about dancing.
    “But it would be impossible for me to perform each lady’s

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