Becoming Lady Lockwood
    “Never fear, we have devised a way that you should not be required to. Before you arrived, the group of us drew lots, and the winners—”
    He was interrupted by some of the men grumbling but raised his voice to speak above their protests. “The winners shall pose as ladies, so as to not leave you the lone female in the set.”
    Judging by the faces of the officers, it was not difficult to deduce which men had drawn the short straws.
    Sidney turned to face her. He extended his leg, pointed his toe, and placed his hand over his heart, bowing with much aplomb. “And now, Miss Amelia Becket, as I outrank every man here, I should like to claim your hand for the first dance. That is with your consent, of course.” He held out his hand, and she took it, following him the few short steps it took to arrive on the “dance floor.”
    Amelia watched as another officer bowed and took the hand of a particularly sullen-faced lieutenant. For all his gallantry, the man was shoved to the other side of the room by his partner and returned with fists raised, prepared to repay the favor.
    “Now, Mr. Brenton, that is not how a young lady should act,” Sidney chided, and the room rang with laughter.
    Dance partners were finally established, and Sergeant Fairchild began to play a familiar country dance. Bitterness at being the “ladies” seemed to be quickly forgotten as the officers smiled and began to enjoy themselves. The men who weren’t dancing clapped their hands to the music.
    When the song ended, Sidney declared that it was Amelia’s turn to choose a tune.
    “Bonny Charley,” she said, and her hand was quickly claimed by a different partner. Amelia laughed at the men’s good-natured teasing as a different group took their turn as the “ladies.” She couldn’t believe that the officers had conceived such a plan in secret—and all to make her happy. Certainly she had friends in Jamaica but none so thoughtful as these men, who would spend their supper hour dancing about the room because they knew it would please her.
    Another dance began, a quadrille this time, and the four couples spread out as well as they were able in the small space. They had danced but for a moment when the music abruptly halted, and every eye turned toward Sergeant Fairchild and then followed his gaze to Captain Drake, who stood in the doorway of the wardroom.
    The soldiers immediately stood at attention and saluted.
    William’s eyes traveled around the room, taking in the scene before he spoke. His voice was calm, betraying no emotion, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes. “The bell for second watch rang a full three minutes ago. And can you imagine my surprise when no officers took up their positions?”
    Amelia heard Sidney curse under his breath. She could feel the tension stretching in the room and knew she must do something.
    “Captain Drake, if you please, it is my fault that the officers did not hear the bell.”
    William’s gaze moved to Amelia as she spoke. He did not take his eyes from her as he dismissed the men. They grabbed their coats and hats, rushing past him out the door.
    “Not you, Fairchild,” he said, his eyes still on Amelia’s face.
    Sergeant Fairchild stood at attention on one side of the room, clutching his fiddle.
    William stepped slowly toward Amelia, and she struggled not to shrink under his scrutiny. “Miss Becket, tardiness at the watch is punishable by lashings.”
    “Captain, you see, today is my birthday, and the officers were only doing something nice for me. Please, sir. Do not discipline them.” She felt the prickling behind her eyes return and blinked quickly to dispel any tears that might leak. “You must punish me instead, sir.”
    “You claim to be responsible for detaining the men from their duties?”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Ship’s discipline is very severe, Miss Becket.” He had stepped so close that Amelia had to tip her head back to hold his gaze. “And the penalty for

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