Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca
far later than he thought.  He grinned and admitted, “Absolutely wonderful for me.  I’m sure Rebecca would disagree.  Her little bottom must be quite painful by now.” 
    Eleanor smiled knowing that Rebecca had just received her first dose of many to come.  Patrick would be a very strict Papa.  She patted his arm as he looked back towards the stairs and mumbled as he wondered what on earth was taking so long.  Eleanor laughed.  “She’s fine.   It usually takes a bit longer at first to properly outfit a little one.  It would have been far easier for you Patrick if you had chosen one of my girls.  Your Rebecca is exhausted and confused now.  I dare to predict that inside that tiny little thing lays a demon that even you might find difficult to contain.  I’m sure Catherine has her hands full.” 
    Patrick grinned, “She is exactly what I’ve been waiting for.  I knew it the moment she stood up to Danvers.  She has a great deal of fight in her and, my dear, that will make her surrender all the more delicious.” 
    Eleanor smiled knowing exactly what he meant.  She reached out and patted his cheek.  “Then stop fussing.  Why don’t you start loading the carriage?” 
    Patrick nodded and called the driver to help him.  Some of the boxes fit into the interior but a great deal had to be handed up to be lashed to the carriage roof.  The driver didn’t complain either about the lengthy wait or the extra work.  He knew Mr. McGavin paid very well for good service and he was glad to have been available this evening. 
    “We should be ready in just a few more minutes, Henry.” 
    The driver nodded and tipped his cap.  “No hurry sir.  I’m yours for the evening.” 
    Patrick absentmindedly nodded as he walked back into the house pulling out his pocket watch.  It was going on towards midnight.  He had one foot on the first stair in preparation of hurrying up the process, when he heard a noise.  He looked up and his breath caught in his throat. 
    Rebecca stood beside Mrs. Andrews, her hand captured in the older woman’s.  She blushed as she saw Patrick looking her up and down.  She felt embarrassed to be seen as she was but after getting her third spanking of the evening, she had finally relented and gotten dressed.  She felt ridiculous.  Her dress was short, barely reaching below her knees.  It was sticking out because of the layers of stiff petticoats that she had been put into.  Her feet were clad in slip-on shoes, her black stockings replaced with white ones that were held up by pink ribbons.  Her hair was brushed out to hang down her back, a large pink bow holding it away from her face.  She shifted her feet, the knowledge that the lace edging the hem of her bloomers was visible below the hem of her dress humiliating in itself.  She had been mortified when Mrs. Andrews had told her to step into the horrid things.  Only after the threat of her fourth spanking had she stepped into the frilly bloomers which seemed to be a size too small even for her.  The material pressed against her sex and against her bottom which was still throbbing and burning making her long for the split crotch drawers she had grown accustomed to wearing. 
    Her breasts were unbound inside her dress, she was no longer allowed any undergarments.  Mrs. Andrews had explained that little girls did not need chemises or corsets.  Rebecca had insisted that her breasts needed to be bound, that it wasn’t proper for them to bounce about.  Mrs. Andrews had laughed as though Rebecca’s concern was silly and simply pulled the dress over the naked breasts without another word. 
    Rebecca knew she looked like a very little girl instead of a newly married eighteen year old woman.  This was definitely not what she had thought a new wardrobe would consist of and was hoping that her husband would insist she be allowed to change into something more appropriate for a wife.  Seeing herself being dressed brought many

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