Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca
questions into her mind but she was too tired and too confused and too afraid to voice them.  Instead, she was now standing here with her brand new husband staring up at her as if she were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
    He held out his hand, “Come here Rebecca.  You look absolutely perfect.  Come to Papa.” 
    She blushed at the command realizing he not only approved but was pleased at her childish appearance.  Going to him wasn’t her choice either.  Mrs. Andrews led her down the stairs and placed her hand in Patrick’s.  Rebecca looked down at his huge hand that engulfed her own and realized she had been led around and passed hand to hand all evening. 
    Her attention was brought back when Patrick spoke.  “What do you say to Mrs. Andrews, Becca?” 
    Wondering how he knew she’d gotten another spanking, she blushed and said, “I’m sorry I was naughty, Mrs. Andrews.  Tha… thank you for spanking my bo… bottom.” 
    Patrick smiled but wasn’t really surprised his little one had gotten another spanking.   “I meant for you to thank her for helping you dress.  However, we will discuss why you were spanked yet again.”
    Rebecca blushed furiously and wished she had not mentioned her spanking.  She nodded and stammered, “Th… thank you for helping me dress.” 
    Mrs. Andrews bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek.  “You are very welcome sweetheart.  I’m sure you’ll come back to visit.  I hope the next time I won’t have to redden your poor little bottom so much.” 
    Rebecca felt as if she would constantly have a red face as well as a throbbing red bottom.   
    Patrick chuckled and thanked the woman himself.  He picked up a pink wool cape that was hanging over the banister and drew it over Rebecca’s small form.  He tilted her head back and tied the silk pink ribbon under her chin after drawing the fur edged hood over her gleaming head. 
    Eleanor handed the girl a small fur muff and watched as Rebecca placed both of her hands into it as if seeking comfort. 
    Patrick turned to Eleanor and after thanking her and kissing her goodbye.  Then he simply bent and scooped his bride off her feet.  She yelped and one hand came free as she clung to his coat.  Patrick smiled, holding her tightly in his arms as he walked down the porch to the waiting carriage. 
    If Henry noticed the extreme difference in Rebecca’s appearance, he was smart enough not to say a word.  He had been to Miss Eleanor’s establishment many times and knew what type of business she ran.  Though he didn’t understand the needs of the men that favored this type of life, his wallet certainly appreciated the need.  He simply opened the carriage door and then closed it after Patrick lifted Rebecca inside and then followed. 
    Rebecca had seen the look on the driver’s face and seen his knowing smile and her mortification returned.  She attempted to pull her dress down to cover her legs but the petticoats wouldn’t allow it.  She looked up to see Patrick grinning at her.  She blushed and looked way.  She gaped at all the boxes that took up most of the room. 
    Patrick grinned.  “They are all for you sweetheart.  Papa bought you many presents for your new life.” 
    She didn’t know what to say but found herself terrified to even think about what they might contain though she sincerely hoped more age appropriate clothing filled some of the boxes. 
    By the time the driver stopped the carriage, Rebecca was sound asleep, her head resting against the pile of boxes.  Patrick enjoyed just watching her.  She looked so young and innocent in her sleep, her face soft.  He certainly enjoyed her new attire.  He had thought she was a beauty but seeing her dressed as she was, her slim little ankles tucked up underneath her—the lace of her bloomers covering most of her shapely legs—confirmed it.  He continued to gaze at her.  Her breasts were much fuller than he had originally thought even

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