Because You Are Mine Part VII: Because I Need To

Because You Are Mine Part VII: Because I Need To by Beth Kery

Book: Because You Are Mine Part VII: Because I Need To by Beth Kery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Kery
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    An InterMix Book / published by arrangement with the author
    InterMix eBook edition / September 2012
    Because You Are Mine
Copyright © 2012 by Beth Kery.
    Excerpt from
Wicked Burn
Copyright © 2012 by Beth Kery.
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Chapter Thirteen
    Ian unbound her, then gently helped her out of the harnesses, still raw from shattering climax and a brew of emotion he couldn’t quite identify. When her feet touched the floor, he immediately took her into his arms, wincing in pleasure at the sensation of her silky naked skin pressed against his.
    He placed his hand on her jaw and tilted her face up to his. He kissed her deeply, wondering how he could feel so much driving, almost harsh, desire for her and this swelling tenderness all at once. Had he been too hard on her? She was so soft, so feminine, so exquisite, he thought dazedly as he caressed her firm, taut curves. He’d been gauging his reaction from hers. When she’d squeezed his cock rhythmically as she whimpered in orgasm minutes ago, he’d hardly thought of her as delicate.
    She was a mystery to him—a compelling, tormenting, sweet one that he couldn’t resist.
    He lifted his head a moment later and grabbed her hand. He shut the door behind them as they left the room, and then led her to the bathroom. Without speaking, he opened the glass door to the steam shower and twisted the handle. When the temperature was comfortable, he stepped aside and nodded for her to get in. He followed her, shutting the door behind them.
    She seemed to have caught his subdued mood, because she said nothing as he meticulously washed her beautiful body in the minutes that followed. He felt her gaze on him, though, as his lathered hands whisked over satiny skin. Steam curled around his knuckles as he washed . . . worshipped. A small part of him still wanted to withdraw like he had in Paris, when he’d been so overwhelmed by her

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