Sauron Defeated

Sauron Defeated by J. R. R. Tolkien

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Authors: J. R. R. Tolkien
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    This was not rejected on the manuscript, but it is not present in B.
    For the further history of the last encounter with the Wild Men of the Woods see pp. 61 - 2, 67 - 8.
    Eowyn's words to Faramir (RK p. 248), saying that she must now return to Rohan with Eomer, but that after the funeral of Theoden she will return, are absent from A (but were added to B). The statements in RK that the Riders of Rohan left Minas Tirith on the eighth of May and that the sons of Elrond went with them are not found in any of the texts, and they remain absent in the First Edition; on the other hand the return of Elladan and Elrohir to Minas Tirith with the company from Rivendell and Lothlorien (RK p. 250) is already found in A. It is told in A that 'the Companions of the Ring lived with Gandalf in a house in the Citadel, and went to and fro as they wished; but Legolas sat most[ly] on the walls and looked south towards the sea.' That the house was in the Citadel was not repeated in B, which retained however the words concerning Legolas; these were lost, possibly unintentionally, in C.
    In the story of the ascent of Mindolluin by Gandalf and Aragorn (RK pp. 248-50) there are some differences from the final form to mention. In the original text it is not said that they went up by night and surveyed the lands in the early morning, nor is there mention of the ancient path to the hallow 'where only the kings had been wont to go'; and Gandalf in his words to Aragorn does not speak of the Three Rings, but says:

    '... For though much has been saved, much is passing away.
    And all these lands that you see, and those that lie about, shall be dwellings and realms of Men, whom you must guide. For this is the beginning of the Dominion of Men, and other kindreds will depart, dwindle, and fade.'

    B has the final text in all this. In A Aragorn says 'I have still twice the span of other men'; this was retained through the following texts and not changed until the galley proof to the reading of RK (where there is a difference between the First and Second Editions: in the First he says
    'I may have life far longer than other men', but in the Second 'I shall').
    When Aragorn saw the sapling at the edge of the snow he cried, in A, En tuvien!, which in B becomes En a tuvien! This was retained in C
    but corrected to En [?in]tuviet; on the final (typescript) text of the chapter this was retained, but then erased and Ye! utuvienyes written in its place. The passage continues in A, in extremely difficult handwriting:

    '... I have found it, for here is a scion of Nimloth eldest of trees. And how comes it here, for it is not yet itself seven years old?'
    And Gandalf said: 'Verily here is a sapling of the line of Telperion Ninquelote that the Elves of Middle-earth name Nimloth. Nimloth the fair of many names, Silivros and Celeborn (3) and Galathilion of old. But who shall say how it comes here in the hour that is appointed? But the birds of the air are many, and maybe down the ages as lord followed lord.....
    in the City and the tree withered, here where none looked for it the [?race] of Nimloth has [?flowered already] hidden on the mountain, even as Elendil's race lay hid in the wastes of the North. Yet the line of Nimloth is older far than your line, lord Elessar.'

    With the names that appear in this passage cf. the Quenta Silmarillion in V.209, $16:
    Silpion the one was called in Valinor, and Telperion and Ninquelote and many names in song beside; but the Gnomes name him Galathilion.
    A footnote to the text (V.210) adds:
    Other names of Silpion among the Gnomes are Silivros glimmering rain (which in Elvish form is Silmerosse), Nimloth pale blossom, Celeborn tree of silver...
    B has here the text of RK, in which Aragorn does not name 'the Eldest of Trees', and Gandalf says: 'Verily this is a sapling of the line of Nimloth the fair; and that was a seedling of Galathilion, and that a fruit of Telperion of many names, Eldest of Trees.' In The Silmarillion chapter 5

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