Beautiful Torment
down, into my skirt and then underwear, feeling the wetness. It’s never been this bad before. I apply a little bit of pressure, trying to make the ache go away, fighting the urge, but it’s no use.
    I have to alleviate it.
    I close my eyes and see him, his big penis, the swollen tip, and the way he stroked himself. His moaning and grunting, and the all that liquid! The way it leaked out of him, with only a small bit at first before shooting out so forcefully. I remember the way he thrust into his hand as he emptied himself all over the floor. The way he kept on coming... and how he said my name, “Oh god, Luci! Take it!”
    Me. He was thinking of me !
    I can’t help but wiggling my fingers; my touch more familiar this year than it’s ever been. I don’t even have to circle very fast, like I usually do. Just a little rub, oh yes, and I’m there, before I barely even got started, extending my legs as my own orgasm rips through me, coming harder than I ever have before.
    I redden when I walk into chemistry. He doesn’t look my way, and it hits me that he’s probably still preoccupied with what happened this morning. I forgot about not only his admission as to why he called my house yesterday, but the fact that he knows I walk by his classroom between periods just to see him .
    If he didn’t know I liked him before, it’s out in the open now.
    On both ends.
    He likes me !
    Or, at least he’s attracted to me.
    I laugh out loud, if he only knew what I just watched him do. Upon hearing me, he meets my eye, raising his eyebrow in that way I love. I’m still so turned on from before that the gesture makes it even worse. I’m uncomfortable, not to mention slightly embarrassed about relieving myself in the middle of school. I’m not even going to address the fact that he’s making me so crazy that I’m raring to go again. I try to control my heavy breathing, even though I’m all but squirming in my seat.
    Focus on taking notes.
    He approaches my desk for the first time towards the end of class. He doesn’t look at me, but he gently taps his knuckle on the wooden surface while addressing everyone, and when the bell rings, I don’t move.
    “I’m sorry if I got you in trouble by calling your house.” Once the last person leaves he props himself on the corner of my desk.
    “You didn’t,” I can’t look him in the eye while he’s this close without flushing red.
    “Is everything okay with your sister?”
    “Yes,” my voice squeaks.
    “Good,” he nods and I focus on that perfectly chiseled chin of his.
    “You don’t have another class?” It suddenly dawns on me that no students come in here after my class.
    “Your class is my last of the day,” he answers. “9 th is my free period.”
    “Oh, I thought that was sixth?”
    “That’s my lunch period,” he smiles. “And we can do that makeup quiz during lunch tomorrow if you’d like?”
    “Okay,” my eyes now find his hand, resting on his knee. The same hand he ravished himself with earlier.
    Oh God!
    I get up and grab my bag. I need to get out of here before I’m forced to make another bathroom pit stop.
    “Luci,” he calls, following me to the door. “I can let you know the day before if I don’t plan on coming in.” I let my head fall back in humiliation. “But I still expect to see you walk by between first and second period.”
    I don’t even need to look at him; I can tell by his voice that he’s gloating.
    The next day, things between Mr. Harrington and I are as normal as ever. And I guess why shouldn’t they be? I’m the only one who discovered his secret lunchtime session.
    We eat, I take the quiz I missed, and we get into talking about the Stephen King book I wanted to discuss yesterday.
    All is well and ordinary.
    I wouldn’t have known any different if I hadn’t seen him masturbate with my own eyes yesterday. And shit, I can’t stop thinking about it.
    Call me sick; call me perverted, but the next

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