Beast of Fire -- a Demon Hunting Sexy Romance

Beast of Fire -- a Demon Hunting Sexy Romance by Lisa Renée Jones

Book: Beast of Fire -- a Demon Hunting Sexy Romance by Lisa Renée Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renée Jones
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wolves being one of the largest nonhuman populations on the earth while still managing to maintain the secrecy of their existence.  
    Cullen’s lips thinned at the memories of that first meeting. He had reservations about the council, reservations about trusting so many he did not know. But the council provided contact with all the different beings that roamed this planet, which made it an exceptional resource on many fronts, a source of knowledge. A way to know his potential enemies, a way to align himself with those who might be true allies.  
    Cullen unfolded the card and read the urgent message. Read it again. He leaned back in his chair, shell-shocked with the impact of the words. The council claimed to have confirmed his suspicions. Adrian had targeted the wolves and ordered Cullen’s death in hopes of destroying the pack. With the wolves' stronghold within the human realm destroyed, Adrian would infiltrate humanity in rapid form. The note had also included an update on the Hunter. His   identity had not been discovered, but the council was working on that.  
    Cullen tapped the card on the desk. The Hunter and the Firestarter might be likely candidates as his assassins, yet . . . something about their actions did not add up. The Hunter had lingered in the city for months, killing only rebel wolves. The Firestarter . . . well, he’d looked her in the eyes. She knew what his ring was, knew what it was capable of doing. But she was not a killer. Something didn’t add up. He had to consider the option that he was being double-crossed in more ways than one, that the rebels were consorting with Adrian. And even if this was not the case, there were any number of ways he could think of that he might be exposed at the moment. He was left unable to trust his own.  
    Cullen reached for the cigar and puffed, savoring the flavor as he considered his options. Realizing he had few. Thoughtfully, he replaced the cigar on the tray and flagged a waiter, acquiring a pen.  
    After a moment of consideration, he began writing on the card, requesting a special meeting. It was time to take a stand. It was time to fight back. Note completed, Cullen replaced the card in the envelope, resealed it, and flagged the waiter again. He sank back against the soft leather chair and let it absorb his weight, satisfied with his plan. He reached for his drink, swirled the amber liquid in the glass. He’d had enough of the rebel wolves. And as for Adrian – well, Adrian and his assassins would soon discover that he was not so easy to kill.

    Chapter Nine
    Hours after his confrontation with Kresley, Lucan’s instincts had suddenly gone on alert. He could sense danger, sense the wolves were near, knew they watched, knew they waited to make a move. As much as he hoped to keep his distance from Kresley until he fully had his beast under control, Lucan had no option but to go to her, to warn her, and to take action to ensure her safety.  
    He stood outside of Kresley’s closed bedroom door. He inhaled a heavy breath and reached out to the door. His palm rested on the wooden surface. He told himself to knock. But he didn’t knock. Finally, his beast had calmed just enough for him to think straight, enough for him to begin to process the implications of the darkness Kresley had stirred within him. He did not want to hurt her, only to protect her.
    Now he feared the worst – that the Guardians had been suppressing the beast within him, that he was not free of his inner beast at all.   Freedom from the Guardians would only release it, would ensure he would be consumed by it.   He could not be saved. Kresley could never know of their bond. She would think herself his salvation, yet he could not help but imagine the worst of nightmares – that without the Guardians there to restrain his beast, he would kill her, rather than mark her as his mate.  
    He told himself it wasn’t true, that he could control his beast, that he had done so for

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