cock blocking my shit."
    Ari laughed, "You are nasty."
    She let go of Selena and let the music take her. She let it all go. The past and the future didn’t matter as the E hit her.
    She let it all go.
    She felt like her old self again as her hips started to move to the music. She felt someone grind up against her, dancing behind her. It was hard to get pissed about someone touching her as she had let the ecstasy remove her inhibitions.
    She looked up behind her to see a cute guy. He looked about twenty-five. She smiled until his hands started to roam freely. She pulled away shaking her head.
    "Come on, just one dance."
    She studied him for a split second and knew from the wicked look on his face he was a baddy, "One dance no groping."
    He nodded sliding up against her again.
    She stayed as alert as the drugs would let her, which wasn't a lot. Eventually his hands were on her again. She tried to push him off but his hands were everywhere all at once. His grip was stronger than hers.
    She closed her eyes wishing she hadn’t taken the drugs. The room wasn’t spinning yet but she was fairly certain she wouldn't be able to hold him off and if she ran and he followed her she wouldn’t stand a chance at getting away. Her stomach started to feel sick as she pushed on his chest, "Please I don’t like this." She hadn’t ever begged for her life before. She had always been stronger than that but she was weak now.
    "You like it."
    Ari felt her hands heating up. She knew that if she pushed him back in time everyone would see the window she made. It wasn’t big but it was big enough that everyone around her would notice.
    "Let her go."
    She looked up to see Lucas. He growled menacingly at the man, "Now.'
    "Fuck off buddy, she's mine for the night dude. Find your own slut."
    Ari winced hearing him call her that, she deserved the title but she never would have wanted Lucas to see her in that light.
    Lucas looked to be holding back a severe reaction, "She is MINE." He spoke firmly grabbing the man by the hand.
    Ari felt her stomach twist and turn as Lucas removed the mans hand from her waist. She ran behind Lucas to see Ben there smiling at her, "Hey Ari."
    She nodded at him but his eyes shot to the man who had been holding her and his smile was replaced with the same crazed and angry look as his brother as stepped forward to ensure Lucas had everything under control.
    Lucas spoke something to the man and then stepped back. The man looked frightened and turned and left the dance floor.
    Lucas turned back to her but his face hadn’t softened, "Ari what the hell are you doing?"
    His eyes burned down on her, he scared her and she let Old Ari come to the surface.
    Her lip trembled slightly, "Nothing, I-I-I just uhm. Nothing." She could feel tears creeping up into her throat.
    "You freak when I touch you and yet here you are dressed like this, with someone like him who calls you a slut?"
    She didn’t have an answer. She turned to walk away but he grabbed her arm, "You're coming home Ari." His grip told her he wasn’t messing around and he would kill everyone in the bar before he let her go. His face was more dangerous than anything she'd ever seen.
    She looked at Ben who put a hand on Lucas's arm, "Calm brother." Lucas's eyes flashed at Ben and back to Ari.
    Lucas dragged his hand down her arm to her hand and took her entire hand in his. He pulled her off the dance floor, not dragging as much as guiding. She looked back as her friends as they watched her go. They looked scared for her, they wouldn’t try to help her.
    "Ari that’s quite the outfit." Ben laughed trying to break the ice.
    She nodded, "Yeah its my friends."
    Her heart skipped when she saw Lydia sitting in the car at the curb.
    Lydia leapt from the car running to her with her arms out.
    Ari flinched away from what she expected, which wasn’t the hug she received. The old woman's embrace filled her.
    "Ari I'm so sorry. I didn’t think what would happen if someone's life

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