United State of Love

United State of Love by Sue Fortin

Book: United State of Love by Sue Fortin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Fortin
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We're separated,’ replied Anna, unsure where this conversation was going.
    ‘Not divorced then?’
    ‘No, it's complicated.’
    Christine then took out a small, white, round bottle of perfume. Christian Dior,
Pure Poison
. How appropriate, thought Anna, watching as Christine sprayed herself on her neck and on each wrist, rubbing her wrists together.
    Putting the bottle and lipstick away, Christine said, ‘Tex and I… People assume we have just a working relationship, but then when we go out as a couple they think otherwise.’ She whisked the zipper shut on the bag and looked directly at Anna. ‘It's complicated.’
    With that, she left the toilets.
    Anna stood there trying to process the information. Okay, was Christine implying that she was actually in some sort of relationship with Tex? The sudden feeling of jealousy that seemed to come from nowhere surprised her.
    Instead of going straight back to the table, Anna went through the door at the back of the pub and out into the courtyard garden. At the far end stood a small gazebo sheltering several people who were sitting around a table and smoking. Leaning against the wall of the pub, Anna rested her head back, took a deep breath of fresh air, and tried to work out exactly what Christine had meant. Perhaps Christine was staking her claim over Tex. Warning her off. And still the niggling feeling of jealousy and mistrust wouldn't completely go away; it kept nudging its way to the forefront of her mind.
    Anna was just thinking she ought to get back when the sight of Tex coming into the courtyard made her stay put. She was getting used to the little skip her heart gave every time she saw him. She watched him walk over to her. He didn't make eye contact or say anything as he stood beside her. He copied her stance, and still without speaking, just stared straight ahead at the opposite wall, as if contemplating the departure board at Victoria Station.
    ‘There is nothing between Christine and myself,’ he said quietly after a few moments. ‘There was something at one time, but not anymore.’
    A sensation of relief zinged in Anna’s stomach. So, she had been right in suspecting there had been something between the two of them. But it was in the past, apparently. A voice at the back of her mind was saying she shouldn’t really let it bother her – he was her client, nothing else.
    ‘It’s not really any of my business, you don’t have to explain,’ she said, although she so didn't mean it. ‘It doesn't affect our working relationship.’
    Tex turned to face her. ‘No, that is true, it doesn’t affect our working relationship. But it
affect our personal one.’ He took a step closer and drew her into his arms.
    Anna couldn’t quite bring herself to resist, even though she knew she should. Sinking into him and closing her eyes, she let herself be held, her head resting under his chin. It felt good. He felt good. She pulled away slightly so she could look up into his deep brown eyes.
    ‘But we don’t have a personal relationship,’ Anna said without conviction. She knew she should be disentangling herself. This was highly unprofessional. But, God, she so wanted to kiss him again. Tex seemed to have the same idea as he slowly moved his mouth closer to hers.
    The moment was broken by a commotion in the doorway as the sound of high heels on the flagstone coming to an abrupt halt, accompanied by ‘Argh!’ and ‘Oops!’ made Anna and Tex look round. Despite herself, Anna couldn't help laughing. Zoe had obviously come looking for her. On seeing her and Tex in an embrace, Zoe must have stopped dead in her tracks, but in so doing, lost her footing on the wet floor and stumbled across the step.
    ‘Sorry!’ Zoe pulled an eek sort of face at Anna before spinning around and half hobbling back into the pub.
    Tex grinned at Anna. ‘Perfect timing.’ He shook his head, letting Anna go, but as he slid his hand down her arm, he held onto her hand.
    Anna could feel

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