she wanted to turn choking Selena against the wall but she couldn’t do it. She smiled bitterly and finished applying makeup to her eyes, "Ya, your mom."
    "Oh snap Selena she got you there."
    "Yeah well she musta forgot I got no mom."
    Mila winked at Ari who was laughing, "Yeah well none of us got moms Selena so play the orphan card somewhere else."
    Selena gave her a shitty face and stormed from the bathroom.
    "Ha that was mean Ari."
    Ari shrugged feeling bad but not wanting to look weak. She looked at herself and sighed, "God this hair is making me all girlie looking and shit."
    "Yeah its sexy girl."
    Ari examined herself, her dark healthy hair was shiny and lustrous. It was just the way her moms looked in other Ari's memories. Her dark eyes looked sexy with the shiny hair with the black eye makeup she was used to. Her lips looked plump and soft, she blushed remembering the feeling of Lucas kissing them. Her skin crawled blocking out the memories it brought back.
    "You look really pretty Ari, I might try to get into prison just to get looking so healthy. What did you do anyway?"
    Ari stopped and looked at herself, "B and E." She turned and smiled at her friend, "Don’t try to get into jail Mila, try to go straight. I am from now on. It was scary in there."
    Mila raised an eyebrow at her, "Straight, how the hell will we eat going straight?"
    "We could get jobs."
    "With what address?"
    "Shelter or just make one up."
    "Ari I tried this before, you need a bank account, and for a bank account you need an address. People don’t pay in cash dude, its direct deposit."
    Ari sighed, "God being homeless was easier in the nineties. Joe told me they used to just hang around and people brought them shit. Everyone was so scared of AIDS they didn’t want them in shelters so they helped them on the streets."
    They walked out of the bathroom into the nightclub. The DJ was a favorite who had done the under ground raves when they had been too young to sneak into clubs. He mixed incredibly smoothly making every songs ending seamless. No one in the crowd ever had pause to stop dancing.
    Ari felt self-conscious like everyone could see the fraud she was. She hadn’t gone to jail, she'd been in a sweet old ladies house eating pumpkin muffins and letting Aimee braid her hair and help her finish high school. She missed them all but knew she couldn’t go back, not after running off after making that man go to jail for a crime he hadn’t committed. She had no idea he would have gone there but she knew the whole scene would have played out in front of Elsie and Lydia, they would have seen it all through the window in the air she had made. Elsie would tell Lydia that Ari was too dangerous. Ron would come back and lock her up or worse put her to sleep like a violent dog.
    She pushed it to the back of her mind and slid out on the dance floor with her friends, her real friends. The ones who she ran with, hid with, cried with and even some she had nearly died with. She cringed thinking about the rainy night they'd been caught. She looked at Mila thinking about how she'd acted so tough until the men who'd found them left, then she'd cried for days. Ari couldn’t make herself cry, she had no tears left. She hadn't cried since her uncle left her in the orphanage for the last time until she got to Lydia's, then she made up for lost years crying every day almost.
    She looked at the tab Selena was holding. She raised her eyebrows and looked at Mila who stuck her tongue out revealing the small white tab on her tongue. Ari took it, "Thanks."
    Selena shrugged, "Its ok."
    "I'm sorry I played the mom card, I know its off limits. That wasn’t cool."
    Selena smiled looking sad, "One day Ari we'll have a real life and we'll have houses and we'll have husbands and none of the shit that’s happened here will matter any more."
    Ari hugged her. Selena seemed shocked by it but hugged her back.
    "Look girl no offense but I'm here to find me a dude and this is

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