Bake Sale Murder

Bake Sale Murder by Leslie Meier

Book: Bake Sale Murder by Leslie Meier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie Meier
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    Lucy hung up and considered locking her doors, but quickly gave up the idea as impractical. The kitchen door might as well have been a revolving door, considering how often they all came and went. The dog alone was in and out several times a day and she couldn’t use a key, though she could nose the screen door open.
    While Lucy was amusing herself with the idea of stringing a key around the dog’s neck the phone rang and this time it was Chris. Speak of the devil.
    “I just got the word from Pam that the sale made twelve hundred dollars,” crowed Chris. “More than ever before.”
    “I think you can take credit…” began Lucy.
    “Oh, no. It’s really due to everyone’s hard work. Including you, Lucy. It was a team effort and we all played a part. You really came through with those dog biscuits and you deserve a big thank you.”
    “I was glad to do it,” said Lucy. “I hope you understand about yesterday, why I couldn’t let you know what was going on.”
    “Of course,” said Chris. “And how absolutely terrible for you. I feel guilty about sending you.”
    “You couldn’t have known,” said Lucy.
    “No. But I should’ve guessed something was seriously wrong. Mimi was such a stickler for doing everything right.” A note of resentment was creeping into Chris’s voice. “I mean, if she said she was going to do something, she did it.”
    “That’s for sure,” said Lucy, thinking of her lilacs. Had they gotten a reprieve or had Mimi already set the wheels in motion for their execution?
    “If you ask me,” continued Chris, “I think she must’ve pushed somebody too far.”
    Lucy was surprised. “I heard her husband was abusive…”
    “He’s no peach, that’s for sure, but he wasn’t home that much. They seemed to go their separate ways a lot.” She paused, then continued in a whisper. “I used to see him over at Frankie’s place a lot, especially on the nights Mimi worked. He’d park in his own driveway and hotfoot it through my back yard.”
    “Oh.” Lucy was thoughtful. “Maybe Mimi found out and they had a big fight and he lost his temper and stabbed her.”
    “She didn’t mind a fight, that’s for sure. You know she reported me to the town for running a home business?”
    “You have a home business?”
    “Not really. I have a handful of clients from my days as an investment banker, mostly widows who felt they were in good hands with me and didn’t trust anyone else to handle their stocks and bonds. It’s really more of a favor than anything else, I don’t make much money from it, I just felt bad for the old dears. I’d be in big trouble with the bank, though, if they thought I was stealing customers.”
    “How did she find out about it? It isn’t like you’ve got a line of old ladies on your front lawn.”
    “The postman accidentally delivered my outgoing mail to her box,” said Chris. “She saw my business name on the return address and questioned me when she brought the letters over. Like a fool I told her all about it when I should’ve told her to mind her own business. I finally got so ticked at her I told her about Fred and Frankie and you know what she told me? She said he was repairing her closet doors.” Chris snorted. “Like anybody would believe that! I’ve called, we’ve all called about one thing or another not working and he doesn’t do a thing to help. These houses could fall down and I swear he’d walk right by, insisting it wasn’t his responsibility.”
    “What did the zoning board do?” asked Lucy. “About the home business.”
    “I don’t know. The meeting is next week,” said Chris.
    “I hope it goes well,” said Lucy.
    “Me, too,” said Chris.

    Lucy was fidgety on the ride over to Sue’s house; she hadn’t exactly been looking forward to the annual Labor Day cookout that had been a shared tradition for the two families ever since she and Sue were young mothers. In those days, it was a potluck affair, and Lucy would

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