Badlands: The Lion's Den
    Flora tossed her purse in the air and let the change flow over her, shifting and sinking to all fours. In one graceful motion, she caught the purse in her jaws before it hit the ground, and set off at a dead run. She was aware of Finn behind her, but she didn’t care. She was capable of running damn fast when she was angry.
    She raced through the Hudsons’ territory towards the outskirts of the city, and then into the surrounding woods. Finn was behind her the whole way, but he never caught up.
    She made it several miles at top speed before she finally got tired and slowed to a walk. Finn walked behind her, padding along on his giant paws.
    They came to the mossy banks of a river, and she stopped and shifted into human form, kneeling by the crystal waters. She began scooping up water with her hands and drinking it.
    Finn shifted too and walked towards her, but stopped about twenty feet away.
    “Is this too close?” he called out to her.
    “Yes!” she yelled back.
    He took one step back. “How ’bout now?”
    “New Jersey would be too close!” she yelled at him.
    “Also, can I take a brief stalking break?” he called. “I’m getting tired.”
    “Then go home!”
    She stood there glaring at him, hands on her hips. He started making faces at her. Stuck out his tongue, crossed his eyes, put his thumbs in his ears and wiggled his fingers.
    Finally she started laughing, and so did he. He walked up to her, and they both sat down on the soft, mossy bank. Finn drank some water and splashed some on his face.
    “You can’t keep me prisoner, you know,” she chided him.
    “Doesn’t it show that I care about you, if I’m trying to keep you safe?” he asked, wiping his mouth with the back of his arm.
    She raised an eyebrow at him. “There are better ways to show me you care than ordering me around and telling me where I can go and what I can do,” she said coolly.
    “Like what? I’m really no good at this. But I want to be.” He smiled winningly at her. “You make me want to be better at it.”
    Damn it, it was hard to stay mad at the sexy beast when he turned all charming like that.
    “You could try talking to me. Spending time with me. Letting me know what’s bothering you instead of keeping it bottled up and going all quiet and sulky.”
    “That’s just crazy talk,” he said, but with a grin that made her feel warm and squishy inside.
    “You understand that I’m just about ready to give up on us?” she said, but her tone was gentler now. “I mean, I don’t feel like there even is an us, at this point.”
    His smile vanished. “Don’t do that. Please. I’m not ordering you to – I’m asking.” He hesitated. “Begging. I know I’ve been a moody dickhead, and I don’t deserve another chance, but I’m asking for it, for purely selfish reasons. I’m crazy about you. I’m doing a terrible job of showing it, but you are sexy, and funny, and you call me out on my crap when I need it, and you are the kindest person I know. Also, did I mention about the sexy?”
    “It’s okay if you say it more than once.” She stifled a smile behind her hand.
    “Sexy. Sexysexysexy. I will do better,” he added. “And I’m not trying to be a control freak when I ask you to stay away from Ruben’s territory, it’s just that I’m seriously worried for your safety. You’ve got this wonderful, sunny outlook on life, but sometimes it blinds you to the realities of what’s around you. Ruben and his people are killers.”
    “I’ve made friends with a few of the bears,” she said. “And Ruben is making life in their territory a total hell. They’re going to head out to Cottonwood tomorrow, and I’m going to go with them.” She heard him suck in his breath sharply, and she met his gaze defiantly. “I’m going to ask Krystle to come with me, but even if she can’t, I’m going.”
    “I can’t let you do that,” Finn said, shaking his head. “It’s too dangerous. No way.”

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