Back to Yesterday

Back to Yesterday by Pamela Sparkman

Book: Back to Yesterday by Pamela Sparkman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Sparkman
mind and was still looking for the perfect time to let Sophie know what I had decided when her mother opened up the avenue to discuss it by asking, “So, Charlie, how is your physical therapy going?”
    I cleared my throat. “Actually, I’m finished with it. I got my doctor’s release today.”
    “Oh? So does that mean you’ll be leaving soon?”
    Sophie shifted in her seat. Before, I had told her I wanted to get back to flying once my leg healed, and I knew what she was thinking – that I was about to leave her. I wasn’t, so I spoke up quickly.
    “No, ma’am.”
    Sophie’s head snapped up from her plate. “But I thought–”
    “No,” I said again. “I put in a request for a permanent transfer from a combat unit to a support unit. I was granted permission to stay stateside. Here, more specifically. Where I’m needed.” I made sure I was looking into Sophie’s eyes when I said it.
    “So you’re not…you’re not leaving? You’re staying here?”
    “I’m staying here.”
    Sophie’s chin quivered slightly. She sat motionless for a few moments, staring at her partially eaten dinner, looking like she was absorbing the information and what that meant for her – for me – for us .
    Sophie’s parents both looked to each other and then their eyes simultaneously landed on their daughter. They both appeared happy to hear the news, but everyone was waiting for Sophie to say something.
    After another long moment she finally spoke. “Say it again.” She looked up, stared at me with misty eyes. “Say it again.”
    “I’m staying here.”
    “I’m staying here.”
    “One more time.”
    “Sophie,” I leaned over and placed my hand over hers. “I’m staying here.”
    She threw her arms around me. “My wish came true,” she said. “I finally got a wish to come true.”
    I found myself holding her once again. I would make all of her wishes come true if holding her was the reward. More than anything I wanted to tell her why I’d decided to stay, why I couldn’t leave her, but I didn’t. Mr. McCormick had told me in confidence about Sophie’s biological father and I wouldn’t violate his trust. Besides, did it really matter? The point was I wasn’t leaving and that was all she really needed to know. I was in love with her and she needed me, so I was staying. Enough said.
    Silence fell around the dinner table once more, until Mr. McCormick spoke up.
    “I’m telling you there are onions in this meatloaf.”
    My chest rumbled with laughter and the rumbling grew until my sides hurt and I could hardly catch my breath. I wasn’t the only one. We were all laughing like loons. It was one of those healing kinds of laughter. What was that proverb?
    The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, and the spirit heals with joy.
    Yeah, I definitely believed that.
    Later that night, after I left Sophie’s house and was making my way back home, I made a wish of my own, not necessarily for me, but for anyone who might need it. This was wartime after all.
    May the roads we travel never lead us astray, but if by chance we lose our way, may the echoes of laughter guide us back home some day.


    I was lying in bed, unable to fall asleep, when I heard pinging sounds bouncing off my bedroom window. At first, I thought it was the wind brushing a tree branch against the glass so I ignored it until the sounds became more persistent.
    Getting to my feet, I moved to the window and swept the curtains back. Charlie was down below, illuminated only by the soft glow of the streetlamp.
    “Charlie!” I whisper shouted. “What are you doing here? It’s after midnight.”
    Even from my second story view I could see how his eyes brightened at the sight of me and then the light in his eyes extinguished.
    “Sophie,” he said. “I…can you come down?”
    “Is something wrong?”
    “Can you come down?” His voice trembled. “Please?”
    I looked over my shoulder and

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