Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2)

Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2) by Nicole Hart Page B

Book: Back Road Chances (Roughneck #2) by Nicole Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Hart
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cried herself to sleep. I gave her space, not physical space because I kept my arm draped across her all night. But I tried to let her process this in silence; I knew that’s what she wanted. But I still couldn’t help the grin that crept across my face. She was going to have a baby. My baby. That made me a happy mother fucker. She was just scared right now, but I knew she would be ok. Sam was the toughest person I’ve ever met; she would do just fine. She was just letting her worries get the best of her. But I knew in my gut that she would be a great mom. I just prayed she didn’t do anything crazy before she realized it. I couldn’t even imagine her getting an abortion. She didn’t say the word, but I knew she was thinking it.  But I knew Sam, she couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t. Not if she actually gave herself the chance to think this through. I needed to get her away for a few days. I slid out of bed and grabbed my phone out of my jeans on the floor. I walked as lightly as I could to the bedroom door. It wasn’t quiet enough for Patch, though, because I heard him prance right behind me. Once I had the bedroom door closed behind me, I let him out into the backyard and walked over to the coffee pot while I dialed my dad’s number. He was awake every morning at this time so I knew it would be ok.
    “Damn, boy, you turning into your old man, waking up so early,” he said when he picked up.
    “Mornin, dad.” I said quietly.
    “Mornin, son.” he replied.
    “Hey, is there anyone using the lake house this weekend?” I asked. My dad and his brothers all went in together a few years ago and bought a cabin on the lake. They took turns using it with their own families, or sometimes the brothers would go fishing for the weekend. I hoped there wasn’t a plan for this weekend.
    “Nope. All the men went out last weekend, so it’s empty. Ya need it?” He asked.
    “Yeah, I was thinking of taking Sam there for the weekend.” I said. I knew Sam would kill me if I told him the reason right now.
    “It’s a nice spot. Are you gonna propose?” he said with a chuckle.
    “No, sir. Not yet. Just a little getaway.” I laughed.
    “Alright, well your momma thinks you need to get on the stick boy,” he said.
    “I know dad, she told me.” I laughed.
    “You still got the key I gave you?” he asked.
    “Yes, sir.” I said.
    “Alright, well y’all have fun.”
    “Thanks, Dad. Love ya.”
    “Love you too, son.”
    I hung up the phone and felt a sense of relief. I knew she just needed time. A couple of days at the lake would do us both some good.  This would work out, I just knew it. It had to.
    Around 6, I made Sam a cup of coffee and took it to her. I knew coffee was necessary for her in the mornings. I worried about her drinking it while she was pregnant, but figured that was the least of our worries right now.
    “Mornin,” I said, as I walked into the bedroom and looked over at her. She was awake, those big blue eyes full of fear first thing this morning. I just wished she would realize that this was a good thing. It wasn’t the end of the fucking world. But I didn’t want to make things worse for her, so I put on a smile and handed her the cup.
    “Thank you,” she said quietly, and took the cup from me.
    “This is your Friday for a half day isn’t it?” I asked.
    Sam just nodded her head.
    “Go ahead and pack a bag before work, we’re getting out of town this weekend.” I said.
    “Where are we going?” she asked. Her voice sounded hoarse and her eyes were swollen from crying so much. It put a knot in my stomach seeing her this way.
    “The lake house. It’s quiet and peaceful. Just the two of us.” Three of us actually. I smiled as I sat on the bed next to her.
    “Ok,” she said quietly, before she took a sip of her coffee. She stared off into space before clearing her throat.
    “If I do this,” I knew what she meant by this. “What will your parents think of me?”
    I was shocked that she

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