Atlantis Pyramids Floods
about Atlantis from a positive point of view.
You can learn about these scholars online on history sites, or in
encyclopedias and other reference materials.
    Solon (639-559 B.C.)
    Solon, pronounced SOHluhn or SOHlahn , was a famous lawmaker. He was
known as one of the seven wise men of Greece. He was born in Athens
of a noble family and became known as a poet. His poems played a
great part in urging the Athenians to regain the island of Salamis,
which had long been in foreign hands. He was given command of the
forces sent to take back the island, and he quickly conquered it.
Afterward, Solon was elected an archon (chief government official)
of Athens and was given the authority to change the
    Plato (427-347 B.C.)
    Plato was a philosopher and educator in
ancient Greece, and was one of the most important thinkers and
writers in the history of Western culture. He was born in Athens to
one of the oldest and most distinguished families in the city. His
mother, Perictione, was related to Solon, the great Athenian
lawmaker. His father, Ariston, died when Plato was a child.
    In 387 B.C., Plato founded a school of
philosophy and science that was known as The Academy. Some scholars
consider The Academy to have been the first university. They
investigated subjects as such astronomy, biological sciences,
mathematics, and political science. Plato lived in Athens and
headed the Academy for most of his life. His most distinguished
pupil at the Academy was the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
    As a young man, Plato wanted to become a
politician. In 404 B.C., a group of wealthy men, including two of
Plato’s relatives, Critias and his uncle Charmides, established
themselves as dictators in Athens. They invited Plato to join them,
however, Plato refused to join because he did not like the group’s
cruel and unethical practices. In 403 B.C., the Athenians deposed
the dictators and established a democracy. Plato reconsidered
entering politics again but he decided not to when his friend, the
philosopher Socrates, was brought to trial and sentenced to death
in 399 B.C.
    Socrates (470-399 B.C.)
    Socrates was a Greek philosopher and teacher.
He was one of the most original, influential, and controversial
figures in ancient Greek philosophy and in the history of Western
thought. Before Socrates, Greek philosophy focused on the nature
and origin of the universe. Socrates redirected philosophy toward a
consideration of moral problems, and how people should best live
their lives. He urged his fellow Greeks to consider the moral
character of their souls and the search for knowledge of moral
ideas like justice as the most important things in life. He is
credited with saying, “The unexamined life is not worth
    Benjamin Jowett (1817-1893)
    Jowett was an English scholar and theologian.
He was born at Camberwell, in London, and was educated at St.
Paul’s School and Balliol College. When Jowett was twelve, he was
placed on the foundation of St Paul’s School, and at nineteen he
obtained an open scholarship to Balliol. He became a fellow, tutor,
Regius professor of Greek, Master, and vice chancellor at Balliol
College, Oxford.
    In connection with the Greek
professorship, Jowett undertook a work on Plato which grew into a
complete translation of the Dialogues with introductory essays, and project
that was published in 1871 after ten years or more of work; he was
the first to translate Plato’s story of Atlantis from Greek to
English, and his place in literature rests mainly on his essays
about Plato.
    Jowett had the merit of interpreting ideas,
but he sometimes did not pay close attention to details, which
resulted in errors in his writings.
    Never married, Jowett died on October 1,
1893. His funeral was one of the most impressive ever seen in
Oxford. His pallbearers were seven heads of colleges and the
provost of Eton, all his former pupils.
    Because Jowett discerned the capabilities of
his pupils, studied their characters, and sought to

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