Atlantis Pyramids Floods
years working in the
research and identification of tools used in ancient navigation. He
is the finder and owner of the Ohio Rock, as well as an online
Yahoo group called THOR (The Hunters of Ohio Rock). He has
published several papers relating to technology in navigation, from
Europe to America prior to Columbus in Ancient American Magazine and Migration and Diffusion . Smith has also given
presentations to many groups devoted to the research of ancient
world travel, and currently works in the field of Archaeology at
various sites around the United States.
    Edward H. Thompson, Worcester, MA,
United States
    Thompson was initially inspired by the books
of John Lloyd Stephens. He devoted much of his career to study of
the Maya civilization. In 1879, Popular Science Monthly published
“Atlantis Not a Myth”, an article by Thompson in which he argued
that the ancient Mayan monuments, which he had never seen except in
books, were proof of the lost continent of Atlantis[1]—an opinion
which his later research would change.
    The article attracted the attention of
Stephen Salisbury III, scion of an American railroad baron and a
benefactor of the American Antiquarian Society, who persuaded
Thompson to move to Yucatán to explore the ruins on his behalf.
Senator George Frisbie Hoar of Massachusetts agreed to help
subsidize Thompson’s efforts by recommending him for the post of
United States consul to Yucatán.
    Read more about him online:

the References
    Normally, websites on the Internet are not
ideal sources to cite as references, but with research on subjects
such as Atlantis, there are no current academic journals, papers,
or positive articles to use as references. Most academic journals
and papers about Atlantis simply state that the story was probably
made up by Plato for various reasons. The Internet references in
this book are used to paint a positive picture of the Americas as
the former Kingdom of Atlantis. Therefore, it is up to the
researchers and readers to verify the Internet sources themselves
for truthfulness, accuracy, and reliability.
    The Original Book
    Atlantis: Ten Tribes of the
Americas was the original book. It was designed to act
as a discussion starter for people who are not locked into their
beliefs regarding Atlantis and whether the story is true or not. It
also presents physical evidence, which speaks for itself. It is up
to the readers to study, do more research, and to make up their
minds about Atlantis.
    About the Author
    Dennis Brooks has spent over 20 years
researching Atlantis. In 1995 he found that the Florida Plain
matched the description Plato gave as the Plain of Atlantis. Since
then, he has been looking for other ways to connect Atlantis to the
Americas and Egypt. In 2012 he published a book called Atlantis: Ten Tribes of the
Americas .
    Since then Mr. Brooks has added new
discoveries, ancient stories, and new terrain features that help
tell the story. He believes that with enough interest in the
subject, credibility may return to Atlantis as a topic of research. Atlantology may
one day go to college. Brooks has used this book to explain the
features of Atlantis in a way that will allow you to explore and
reference the information online. That makes this an interactive
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