do whatever to whoever looks at them.”
“Exactly. That kinda nasty ass is the last thing I would ever want.” He laughed and even though Krissy gave him a small smile, she didn’t look completely convinced.
Ryan kissed her one last time hard on the lips and smacked her lightly on the ass when she turned away. “I’ll see you in a couple of weeks at the most. I love you, babe,” he said, climbing the steps.
She smiled and blew him a kiss. “I love you, too.”
By the time they were all loaded, Peri had her arms wrapped around Krissy, consoling and reassuring her they would see each other soon. Peri and Krissy planned to fly out when the band arrived in Denver for the big festival at Red Rock toward the end of the tour but she knew they might see them before that. She doubted Krissy and Ryan would be able to hold out that long, and the band would cover a lot of miles before then. Getting through Austin this time of the morning would be the longest part of today’s trip but the band was too pumped about starting the tour for any of them to go back to sleep.
“I think I’ll make coffee. Does anyone else want some?” Chandler offered. She received nods of thanks from all but Ryan. She could tell that he was exhausted, probably from no sleep last night. Leaving Krissy behind must be killing him. Her obvious lack of trust of him seemed to set him on edge, and he already seemed a little distraught and distracted. It was going to make eight weeks seem a heck of a lot longer for those two if his girl started out not believing in him.
The band talked about nothing in particular, and Cash spent the entire trip on the phone arranging things further down the line. Frission was already in Dallas, having arrived the night before. Only Gunner and KeeMac had met any of their band’s members and that had been backstage after one of their concerts. Everyone knew Frission’s music and they were all stoked about opening for them. As a seasoned band they had been around a long time and had a huge following. Cash hoped Frission’s notoriety would help propel Assured Distraction into the limelight he knew would get things moving for them.
Finally arriving at the venue in Dallas was exciting for the band. Their time was short though since they were the second opening act and they were only given time for a brief sound check. The first opener was a local band with a large following that helped get the show off to a great start. AD came on stage nervous and slightly on edge. Instead of it causing problems though, it helped them start their set off on high energy that only built more as they performed. By the time Gunner ripped off his sweaty t-shirt from behind his kit, the crowd was going wild for them. The music the band played was rock in its purest form and the fans loved it. When a shirtless KeeMac started playing the chords for the final song, girls were screaming and the entire band was caught-up in the experience. He and Ryan played back-to-back like they were one person creating the music.
When the last song was over, they threw their picks and drumsticks to the frenzied audience and the band left the stage at a full run. The adrenaline that built-up during the show was now coursing through them more than from any show they had ever performed. They all knew it was just the beginning for Assured Distraction.
Security herded the group back to the bus as soon as they were finished, with no time for after-parties, fans, groupies, or socializing with the other bands. They would be heading for Albuquerque before they had time to think or expend the high-octane energy from their best performance yet. Gunner, Carter, and KeeMac grumbled about it but Cash told them there would be plenty of time for that later.
Cash kept an eye on Chandler when they got back on the bus. She seemed quiet and had little to say about their performance. As everyone settled in, he moved to sit next to her, “Hey Chandler, so, what did you think about
Lynne St. James
Margaret Miles
James Lee Burke
David Estes
Eliza Granville
Desiree Holt
Gene; John; Wolfe Cramer
Bill Pronzini
Jen Greyson
Charles Benoit