
Asenath by Anna Patricio

Book: Asenath by Anna Patricio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Patricio
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me they worshipped one God who had no temples, images and cult centres. He told me about his ancestors—Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca.
    He told me he came from an enormous family, of eleven brothers and one sister. They had the same father but different mothers. The youngest of the brood, Benjamin, was his only full brother.
    Joseph spoke a lot about his relationship with his father. Apparently, they were very close. He said his mother was the favourite wife of their father, thus he was the favourite son. He also mentioned a special gift from his father—a coat of many colours.
    However, Joseph still did not mention why he came to Egypt. I wondered if this was a sore topic for him. There seemed to be a lot of gaps in his stories. His life in Canaan seemed to have been a happy one. So why did he leave?
    Perhaps one day, he would tell me. Or I would find out.
    Joseph and I corresponded for nearly a year. Soon, I realised that the day of his freedom was close. Time had gone by remarkably fast.
    One day, Joseph informed me that his master would be inviting my family to his Opet celebrations once more. I shivered with delight.
    "Alas," Father said when the official invitation was issued. "We will not be able to make it this year. Mother and I have much to do at the temple."
    My heart began to sink.
    "But Asenath, you may go if you wish," Father said. "I hope you will not mind going alone though."
    I gasped. "Really? Do you mean that?"
    "Certainly. You are, after all, nearly a young lady."
    I smiled gratefully. "I would love that. I really enjoyed it last year. I was hoping to go again this year. Thank you."
    I did not mention Joseph though. I felt it was not right. Yet.
    Father said, "There are, however, some events we would like you to attend on our behalf."
    "With pleasure."
    Later, he handed me an itinerary. I was more than delighted to see that there would be a couple of affairs at Lord Potiphar's house.
    Soon, I was back in Thebes. The night before Lord Potiphar's banquet, I could hardly sleep.
    I had previously been informed that prior to the banquet, the guests would be joining the public festivities. So the following day, I disembarked at the gates of Potiphar's villa and took to the streets in search of Joseph. I knew he would be busy with the feast later on, so I hoped to have as much time with him as possible.
    "Lady Asenath."
    I knew I would be thrilled at seeing him again, but I did not expect a dangerous rush to course through my veins. The sunlight illuminated his athletic profile from behind, creating the effect of a godlike glow.
    Joseph approached me and bowed. "Life, health and prosperity to you, my lady. It is good to see you again."
    My smile nearly split my face in half. "It is good to see you, too. I trust you've been well?"
    "I have indeed. Would you like to go for a―"
    An elderly woman appeared at his side. She tapped his arm.
    He turned to her. "Taboubu, what is it?"
    He spoke very slowly. I wondered at this.
    The old woman handed him a small papyrus sheet.
    He scanned it. "My lady, you will have to excuse me a moment. My mistress is alone in the house and very sick. I shall return as soon as I can."
    I never forgot what I had seen in the kitchen the previous year. Dread welled up inside me. But alas, it was not in my power to intrude.
    I tried to silence the whispers of warning inside my head. "All right."
    Joseph turned to two small girls behind him. One of them was Baktre, the child I had seen the day I first met him.
    "Children," he said. "This is the Lady Asenath. She is a very special guest here today. Would you be so kind as to take care of her while I am gone?"
    "Yes, Joseph," the girls said. "We will, we will."
    Joseph and I exchanged fond glances.
    "Thank you." He bowed to me. "My lady. I will try not to be too long."
    Baktre tugged on my arm. "Come, my lady. We'll show you around."
    The children were so sweet and well-meaning. As worried as I was, I did not want to

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