Arctic Winds

Arctic Winds by Sondrae Bennett

Book: Arctic Winds by Sondrae Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sondrae Bennett
to a complete stop and stormed up the porch steps. He was about to pound on the door when Samantha threw it open and came barreling into his arms. Her hands snaked around him and she pressed her face against his chest.
    Instantaneously, his anger and fear were replaced with protectiveness and love. The wave of relief almost drowned him and made him stagger as he clutched her tightly, burying his face in her hair. Her scent was stronger, probably due to the recent shifts, and Jason took a gulping breath.
    Something was off.
    Jason pulled back and held Samantha at arms’ length. “What the hell are you wearing?” he all but growled. She smelled like the damn alpha fox. Rationally, he knew nothing had happened.
    Despite his history with Samantha, she wasn’t the type to jump into bed with someone immediately after meeting them. Even if he had doubts, his nose could tell the difference between intimate encounters and the subtle wisps coming off of Samantha. Still, he couldn’t escape the overpowering jealousy swamping him as he gazed at Samantha in another man’s clothes. His scent should be the only one marking her.
    Samantha looked surprised until she glanced down at her clothing. Blushing lightly, she looked at him sheepishly. “I didn’t exactly wear a dress when I went out hunting this morning.
    And I couldn’t very well ask for help as a fox.”
    Red-hot rage burned in his gut. “He saw you naked.” He was going to kill him. Friendly or not, no one looked at his mate naked but him.
    “No! God, no. He lent me the clothes and left the room while I shifted.” Samantha stepped closer and ran her hands up his chest. She seemed to sense his inner struggle with his wolf and knew exactly how to pacify both man and beast.
    Jason gazed into Samantha’s eyes and let his anger drift away. He was so happy to have her back safe and sound. That was all that mattered. She was all that mattered and he had her back.
    Jason buried his face once again in her hair.
    “Those clothes are coming off the moment I get you home,” he rumbled against her neck.
    A clearing of a throat behind him reminded him where they were and that they weren’t alone.
    Gently easing away from the embrace, Jason pulled Samantha against his side with a gruff grunt.
    “Yes, Captain Caveman. Woman back, man happy,” Laurie teased. “Hey, Cody. Thanks for picking up our runaway.”
    “It’s not like I ran away on purpose,” Samantha grumbled.

    “It was no problem. Samantha, can I have a quick word with you before you leave?” Jason didn’t like the calculated look Cody gave Samantha.
    “Sure, you can, we’re in no rush,” Jason stated as he pulled Samantha tighter against his side, refusing to let her leave. If Cody was going to cause trouble, he could do it out in the open with all three of them listening.
    “In private.”
    Samantha looked up and gave him a reassuring smile. “I’ll be right back.” As she pulled out of his arms, Jason tamped down the urge to grab her back. He clutched his arms to his sides and looked on helplessly as Samantha talked to Cody. After he got her home, he’d strip her bare and find out exactly what the fox was telling his future mate.

    * * * *
“I want you to consider it. You belong here with us, not there.” Samantha glanced over to where Jason was waiting less than patiently. She didn’t know what had brought him back to town early, but she was incredibly grateful. All the anxiety and worry of the day melted as he held her securely in his arms, and her whole soul lifted and sighed to have her wolf back. Her brain cautioned her not to believe he was hers, to remember the facts.
    “He is mine.” It was true, she realized. Whatever her future brought, Jason was her wolf. He might not be hers to keep, but he was hers right now. She didn’t realize she had spoken out loud until she looked at Cody and saw him gazing at her with sympathy and pity.
    “He’s not yours, Samantha. And he won’t ever be.

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