Apocalypse Rising
he figures out what he is, and they find out about it."
    "Too true." Neville placed the palm of his hand on the window, enjoying the cool touch of the glass. "It is a dangerous path we walk brother."
    "There is no reward without danger," Robert said as he took his place beside Neville. "The potential here is incredible. If we play this correctly, it could change everything, and our names would be celebrated across the cosmos."
    "Or vilified if we fail," whispered Neville.
    "What troubles you, Neville? It is not like you to be so pessimistic."
    "I don't know." Neville stood still, his eyes focused on a point beyond even his incredible sight. "I have never doubted our role in this before, but I find myself uncertain, no, uncomfortable, for the first time since we made the mortal world our home."
    Robert turned his oldest friend towards him. They had known each other almost from the moment reality had been shaped out of the chaos that was the universe. “Neville, the time for doubt and discomfort has long since passed. We knew this time would come, and we knew the risks. Take heart in the fact that we have the courage to act, rather than wait for the universe to shape us. We are not the sheep walking the streets below, God help them. We are the lions, and we will shape our destiny like no one has ever been able to do before.”
    “Been able, or been willing?” Neville raised his hand before his brother could respond. “I know, Robert, it was rhetorical. I wish we could go to Him for guidance. I miss Him.”
    “Father looks upon our works, and is pleased Neville. I can feel it.” Robert looked up at the sun, a silent homage to the Father. “The world will be better for our labors, and you know it.”
    Neville too looked at the sun, wishing it were the true Light, not a pale substitute, and longed to feel even its warmth upon his skin. “I do, Heaven help me, but I do.”


    The dark goes on forever, or so it seems. The breathing of my rescuer tells me I am still on the right track, but there are no features in the tunnel to tell me where we are, or where we are going. The walls and floor are made of concrete, or perhaps very closely fitted brick. The air is stale, but breathable. I am reminded of a video I watched some time back, where an archaeologist sent a tiny robot up an airshaft in one of the pyramids, only this time I am the robot. For the life of me, I cannot remember whether or not they got the robot back out.
    It feels like we have been crawling for an hour when the tunnel starts to curve. A hint of light somewhere far ahead gives me hope that our journey is near its end. At first, it is little more than the suggestion of light, like the first suggestion of the early morning sunrise, but it grows in strength until I can distinguish the outline of the person crawling in front of me. He is smaller than I expected, though it is possible that his size is a trick of the confined space and the limited light. “How much further?” I whisper, never slowing my pace.
    “Almost there,” he says.
    I keep crawling, happy to see the light growing brighter. I do not fear the dark, but I am more comfortable in the light, even if it is artificial.
    It is funny really; but I actually prefer the duller light of candles, or torches, over the glaring brightness of electric lights. Even the gas lamps of the Victorian age were preferable, but it has become difficult to find anyone who uses fire as a source of light. I hope that the lights ahead are candles, but it is too steady to be anything but electricity.
    “When we leave the tunnel, be silent. Say nothing, and let me speak, lest you offend the wrong person, and I am forced to take you back, or kill you.” There is no emotion in his words. He speaks fact and nothing more. “I don’t wish to kill you, but I will not hesitate to do so if I am ordered.”
    “I understand,” I say.
    “Good. We will get you out of here, and I will help you how I can,

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